ABP General Group meeting - HSS LHC production optics Phase knob to protect TCTs from asynchronous dumps and push β*. No to forget about the crash programme for a last minute’s request from CT-PPS ABP General Group meeting - HSS
Very high b* 2.5 km for forward physics To be tested next Thursday ABP General Group meeting - HSS
Once more, optics under control Peak beta-beating below 5% for b* 40 cm Waist position has to be controlled at the cm level AC dipole measurements of linear coupling during the squeeze ABP General Group meeting - HSS
Non-linear optics is becoming more relevant… Detuning with amplitude at top energy Non-linear magnets ABP General Group meeting - HSS
Beta* reach and collimation system Beam 1 Off-momentum Dump TCTs Betatron Vertical losses Excellent cleaning: highest cold losses ~ 0.0001! Several years of studies and HW modifications to reduce margins while ensuring adequate protection in case of fast beam failures. ABP General Group meeting - HSS
Ions: full success (thanks to the contributions of many)! ABP General Group meeting - HSS
PS: MTE is operational now! ABP General Group meeting - HSS
HL-LHC: finalising the layout Matching section Matching section D1-Triplets IP Vacuum region under designs with colleagues from impedance and vacuum D2 D2 No beam and orbit tolerances included! ABP General Group meeting - HSS
simulating synchrotron radiation in LHC, HL-LHC and FCC-hh arcs, including surface properties, using Synrad3D code no. of reflections - smooth model of LHC sawtooth chamber no. of reflections - sawtooth FCC-hh BS: sensitivity to vertical c.o. azimuthal distributions
Advanced collimators concepts Crystal channeling observed for the first time at 6.5 TeV! Beam core Collimator Crystal Halo Active halo control All this requires advanced simulation tools (1) Angular scan: strong reduction of local losses in channeling compare to amorphous. ~1/30 Beam losses at crystal [ a.u. ] Crystal angle [ μrad ] Reduced losses in channeling Example: scan at 450GeV Hollow electron lens ABP General Group meeting - HSS
Computing: steadily increase of activities Contributors are welcome! MAD-X Four releases delivered (every ~3 months) (several fixes and improvements implemented) Documentation improved Training course in the context of CERN Technical Training. New PTC from E. Forest under integration and validation MAD-NG: Provides a general purpose programming language and a just-in-time compiler. Provides full support for complex, linear (LAPACK) and differential algebra (GTPSA), frequency analysis (FFT) and non-linear optimisation (ongoing) Demonstrator with core features (tables, sequences, lines, elements) ABP General Group meeting - HSS
Computing: steadily increase of activities commits Contributors are welcome! SixTrack Main code: focus on dynamics effects, clean-up code and bug-fixes, merge collimation branches, frequency analysis, beam-beam, C-library, adaptation for FCC, space-charge and low(er)-energy machines. Tracking infrastructure: migration from AFS/LFS to other services (EOS, HT Condor), improvements to BOINC, building infrastructure. Tools for data mining Initiative to share data, Python tools and IT services in the group. Info at https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/ABPComputing/LhcDataStorage ABP General Group meeting - HSS
EuCARD-2 WP5 XBEAM strategies four deliverable reports over- due this month (June 2016) Preliminary strategy for future hadron & lepton colliders - draft in preparation Preliminary strategy for future high-performance hadron rings - draft in preparation Preliminary strategy for future high-power high-current SC linacs - draft submitted this Monday Preliminary strategy for future polarized beams - draft submitted this Monday roadmaps for the future