Authority Control and Alma: A look at change from many Angles Guy Frost, Georgia NACO Coordinator
The Future of MARCIVE Weekly Marcive Authorities loads are a thing of the past One time Authorities “Wash” planned Converting AACR2 forms to RDA forms (Dept. to Department) Adds FAST Headings Removes foreign language terms Enhances records with Lexile Data Caveats: WorldShare Metadata Services will erase these some of these additions Time still under discussion; possibly December Future Project to consider: Adding Lexile Data to OCLC records, making them permanent
Alma and Authorities Alma Authorities Functionality Cancelled Headings (e.g., undifferentiated names) Unqualified changed to Qualified Access Points Changes in Geographic Headings MARC Fields, Indicators, Subfields reports Multi-Matches (variant access points) Topical Subject Heading Changes WorldShare Metadata Services may make many of these irrelevant Types of email notification Reports Preferred Term Collection Handle Local Authority Record Updates Linked BIB Headings
Linking to Authority Records Populating of new Authority Records into the Knowledge Base is not real time
Local Authority Records Alma (like Voyager) allows for the creation of Local Headings Local headings used as access points by the institution Some of these might be useful to all of USG (e.g., Georgia authors) Alternative commonly used for grouping archival/special collections materials Others created Name Heading Authority Records Does required additional Configuration
Georgia NACO Funnel Georgia NACO Funnel Founded 2014 3 Independent libraries (2 academic and 1 public) Shelley Rogers, University of West Georgia Guy Frost, Valdosta State University More coordination needed between NACO libraries and USG libraries In addition to Valdosta and West Georgia, UGA is a third NACO Library SACO Libraries Valdosta and UGA CONSER UGA More PCC Libraries Needed to better distribute the work load