Lecture 8 Master Product Scheduling (Revisited) Books Introduction to Materials Management, Sixth Edition, J. R. Tony Arnold, P.E., CFPIM, CIRM, Fleming College, Emeritus, Stephen N. Chapman, Ph.D., CFPIM, North Carolina State University, Lloyd M. Clive, P.E., CFPIM, Fleming College Operations Management for Competitive Advantage, 11th Edition, by Chase, Jacobs, and Aquilano, 2005, N.Y.: McGraw-Hill/Irwin.
Objectives Master product scheduling Round cut capacity planning Planning horizons Types of Production-Planning and Control Systems Developing MPS Evaluation MPS Planning links to MPS
Purpose The master production schedule states the requirements for individual end items by date and quantity. It is limited by the production plan and must “disaggregate” the production plan. Master planning seeks to plan and control the impact of independent demand on material and capacity.
Purpose The master production schedule is a vital link between sales and production It makes possible valid order promises It represents a contract between sales and production.
Inputs Inputs to the master production schedule include The production plan The forecast Orders from customers Additional independent demand Inventory levels Capacity constraints
Objectives The objectives of a master production schedule are to Maintain the desired level of customer service Make the best use of resources Keep inventories at the desired level
Preparing an MPS Make a preliminary MPS Perform rough-cut capacity planning Resolve differences
Rough-cut Capacity Planning Rough-cut capacity planning checks whether critical resources are available to support the preliminary master schedule. A resource bill shows the time required for individual items on a critical resource. What are some possible critical resources?
Resolving Differences The third step in developing an MPS is to resolve any differences between the priority plan and available capacity. Available capacity must be equal to or greater than required capacity If required capacity exceeds available capacity Capacity must be increased or Plan must be altered How can capacity be increased or demand be decreased?
Resolving Differences The master production schedule must be judged by three criteria Resources use. Is the MPS within capacity restraints in each period of the plan? Does it make the best use of resources? Customer service. Will due dates be met and will delivery performances be acceptable? Cost. Is the plan economical, or will excess cost be incurred for overtime, subcontracting, expediting, or transportation?
Production Scheduling and Sales An MPS is not a sales forecast, it is instead a forecast of production. It may not necessarily be what we want; it should be what we can do. The MPS must be realistic and achievable. Otherwise, the plan fails, deliveries are not met, and manufacturing has to react to circumstances rather than planning for them.
MPS and Delivery Promises Customer Orders Available-to- Promise Time Units Production Capacity or Inventory As orders are received, they “consume” available production and inventory Any part not consumed is available-to-promise
Available-to-Promise Available-to-Promise is the uncommitted portion of a company’s inventory and planned production, maintained in the master schedule to support customer order promising. The ATP quantity is the uncommitted inventory balance in the first period and is normally calculated for each period in which an MPS receipt is scheduled APICS Dictionary, 8th edition
Available-to-Promise The ATP calculation assumes that the entire ATP will be sold before the next scheduled receipt. When calculating ATP, consider all orders until the next scheduled receipt. ATP for period 1 = on hand - customer orders due before next MPS scheduled receipt ATP for periods 2, 4, and 6 = MPS scheduled receipt - customer orders due before next MPS scheduled receipt
Available-to-Promise On hand = 200 units
Available-to-Promise On hand = 200 units
Available-to-Promise On hand = 200 units
Available-to-Promise On hand = 200 units
Planning Horizon The planning horizon is defined as the amount of time the master schedule extends into the future. This is normally set to cover a minimum of cumulative lead time plus time for lot sizing low-level components and for capacity changes of primary work centers or of key suppliers. APICS Dictionary, 8th edition
Planning Horizon B A C D E What is the minimum planning Lead Time = 6 weeks = 2 weeks = 5 weeks = 8 weeks = 16 weeks What is the minimum planning horizon in this example?
(Changes constrained by production plan Time Fences and Zones Actual Orders (Emergency Changes Only) Frozen Slushy Liquid Actual and Forecast (Trade-offs) Forecast Only (Changes constrained by production plan Due Date Demand Time Fence Planning 2 weeks 26 weeks
Master Production Scheduling (MPS)
Objectives of MPS Determine the quantity and timing of completion of end items over a short-range planning horizon. Schedule end items (finished goods and parts shipped as end items) to be completed promptly and when promised to the customer. Avoid overloading or underloading the production facility so that production capacity is efficiently utilized and low production costs result.
Time Fences The rules for scheduling 6+ weeks 4-6 weeks 2-4 weeks 1-2 +/- 20% Change 1-2 weeks +/- 10% Change +/- 5% Change No Change Frozen Firm Full Open
Time Fences The rules for scheduling: Do not change orders in the frozen zone Do not exceed the agreed on percentage changes when modifying orders in the other zones Try to level load as much as possible Do not exceed the capacity of the system when promising orders. If an order must be pulled into level load, pull it into the earliest possible week without missing the promise.
Developing an MPS Using input information Customer orders (end items quantity, due dates) Forecasts (end items quantity, due dates) Inventory status (balances, planned receipts) Production capacity (output rates, planned downtime) Schedulers place orders in the earliest available open slot of the MPS . . . more
Developing an MPS Schedulers must: estimate the total demand for products from all sources assign orders to production slots make delivery promises to customers, and make the detailed calculations for the MPS
Example: Master Production Scheduling Arizona Instruments produces bar code scanners for consumers and other manufacturers on a produce-to-stock basis. The production planner is developing an MPS for scanners for the next 6 weeks. The minimum lot size is 1,500 scanners, and the safety stock level is 400 scanners. There are currently 1,120 scanners in inventory. The estimates of demand for scanners in the next 6 weeks are shown on the next slide.
Example: Master Production Scheduling Demand Estimates CUSTOMERS BRANCH WAREHOUSES MARKET RESEARCH PRODUCTION RESEARCH 500 200 10 1 50 300 1000 400 2 3 4 700 6 5 WEEK
Example: Master Production Scheduling WEEK Computations 1 2 3 4 5 6 CUSTOMERS 500 1000 500 200 700 1000 BRANCH WAREHOUSES 200 300 400 500 300 200 MARKET RESEARCH 50 10 PRODUCTION RESEARCH 10 TOTAL DEMAND 710 1350 900 700 1010 1200 BEGINNING INVENTORY 1120 410 560 1160 460 950 REQUIRED PRODUCTION 1500 1500 1500 1500 ENDING INVENTORY 410 560 1160 460 950 1250
Example: Master Production Scheduling MPS for Bar Code Scanners 1 2 3 4 6 5 WEEK SCANNER PRODUCTION 1500
Rough-Cut Capacity Planning As orders are slotted in the MPS, the effects on the production work centers are checked Rough cut capacity planning identifies underloading or overloading of capacity
Example: Rough-Cut Capacity Planning Texprint Company makes a line of computer printers on a produce-to-stock basis for other computer manufacturers. Each printer requires an average of 24 labor-hours. The plant uses a backlog of orders to allow a level-capacity aggregate plan. This plan provides a weekly capacity of 5,000 labor-hours. Texprint’s rough-draft of an MPS for its printers is shown on the next slide. Does enough capacity exist to execute the MPS? If not, what changes do you recommend?
Example: Rough-Cut Capacity Planning Rough-Cut Capacity Analysis WEEK 1 2 3 4 5 TOTAL PRODUCTION 100 200 200 250 280 1030 LOAD 2400 4800 4800 6000 6720 24720 CAPACITY 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 25000 UNDER or OVER LOAD 2600 200 200 1000 1720 280
Example: Rough-Cut Capacity Planning Rough-Cut Capacity Analysis The plant is underloaded in the first 3 weeks (primarily week 1) and it is overloaded in the last 2 weeks of the schedule. Some of the production scheduled for week 4 and 5 should be moved to week 1.
Demand Management Review customer orders and promise shipment of orders as close to request date as possible Update MPS at least weekly.... work with Marketing to understand shifts in demand patterns Produce to order..... focus on incoming customer orders Produce to stock ..... focus on maintaining finished goods levels Planning horizon must be as long as the longest lead time item
Types of Production-Planning and Control Systems
Types of Production-Planning and Control Systems Pond-Draining Systems Push Systems Pull Systems Focusing on Bottlenecks
Pond-Draining Systems Emphasis on holding inventories (reservoirs) of materials to support production Little information passes through the system As the level of inventory is drawn down, orders are placed with the supplying operation to replenish inventory May lead to excessive inventories and is rather inflexible in its ability to respond to customer needs
Push Systems Use information about customers, suppliers, and production to manage material flows Flows of materials are planned and controlled by a series of production schedules that state when batches of each particular item should come out of each stage of production Can result in great reductions of raw-materials inventories and in greater worker and process utilization than pond-draining systems
Pull Systems Look only at the next stage of production and determine what is needed there, and produce only that Raw materials and parts are pulled from the back of the system toward the front where they become finished goods Raw-material and in-process inventories approach zero Successful implementation requires much preparation
Focusing on Bottlenecks Bottleneck Operations Impede production because they have less capacity than upstream or downstream stages Work arrives faster than it can be completed Binding capacity constraints that control the capacity of the system Optimized Production Technology (OPT) Synchronous Manufacturing
Synchronous Manufacturing Operations performance measured by throughput (the rate cash is generated by sales) inventory (money invested in inventory), and operating expenses (money spent in converting inventory into throughput) . . . more
Synchronous Manufacturing System of control based on: drum (bottleneck establishes beat or pace for other operations) buffer (inventory kept before a bottleneck so it is never idle), and rope (information sent upstream of the bottleneck to prevent inventory buildup and to synchronize activities)
Wrap-Up: World-Class Practice Push systems dominate and can be applied to almost any type of production Pull systems are growing in use. Most often applied in repetitive manufacturing Few companies focusing on bottlenecks to plan and control production.
Role of the MPS Aggregate plan: Master production schedule: Specifies the resources available (e.g.: regular workforce, overtime, subcontracting, allowable inventory levels & shortages) Master production schedule: Specifies the number & when to produce each end item (the anticipated build schedule) Disaggregates the aggregate plan
Business Planning Hierarchy
Planning Links to MPS
Objectives of MPS Maintain the desired customer service level Utilize resources efficiently Maintain desired inventory levels
Developing an MPS: Assume: Make-to-stock environment Production is in fixed quantities of 125 (MPS) 110 units in beginning inventory (BI)
Sample Problem We start with 110 units in Beginning Inventory Period 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Forecast 50 75 Projected Available 110 MPS We start with 110 units in Beginning Inventory Projected Available: How many units are available at the end of each time period? MPS: Replenishment Shipments that need to arrive at the beginning of the time period Projected Available =BI + MPS - Forecast
Step 1 Find first negative “projected available” We start with 110 units in Beginning Inventory Projected Available: How many units are available at the end of each time period? (safety stock criteria could be in place > 5) MPS: Replenishment Shipments that need to arrive at the beginning of the time period
Schedule Production
Continue, Until Complete
Evaluating the MPS Customer service issues: Does “available-to-promise” inventory satisfy customer orders? What new orders can we take from customers and when?
Available to Promise When a customer places an order, they do not expect immediate delivery (negotiable). The product will delivered by some later date. ATP = how many uncommitted units the company has available at a given time
New Calculation for Projected Available Period 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Forecast 50 75 Customer Orders 35 25 20 15 Projected Available 110 Available to Promise MPS Projected Available = BI + MPS – Max (Customer Orders ; Forecast)
Available-to-Promise “Action Bucket” Period 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Forecast 50 75 Customer Orders 35 25 20 15 Projected Available 110 60 85 110 Available to Promise MPS 125 “Action Bucket” = the current period Only calculate ATP during in Action Bucket and when MPS occurs ATP action bucket = BI +MPS-customer orders before next replenishment 110 + 0 – (35+25) = 50
Available-to-Promise “Replenishment periods” 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Forecast 50 75 Customer Orders 35 25 20 15 Projected Available 110 60 85 110 Available to Promise 80 125 115 MPS ATP for replenishment periods ATP = MPS - customer orders between current MPS and next scheduled replenishment ATP period 3 = 125 – (25 + 20)= 80 ATP period 5 = 125 – (0 + 15)= 110
New Order Suppose we get an order for 200, can we accept this for delivery in period 5?
Worksheet for New Order for 200 Period 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Forecast 50 75 Customer Orders 35 25 20 200 15 Projected Available 110 60 85 Available to Promise 80 MPS 125 Fit in the order for 200 (can’t change MPS)
New Order for 200 Period 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Forecast 50 75 Customer Orders 35 25 20 200 15 Projected Available 110 60 85 -40 -115 -65 -15 -90 Available to Promise 80 125 115 MPS Negative number in Projected Available = might be a problem in the future Negative number in Available to Promise= always a problem Solution?
Split up New Order for 200 Check to see if this is OK Period 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Forecast 50 75 Customer Orders 45 25 105 20 110 15 Projected Available 110 Available to Promise MPS 125 Check to see if this is OK
Can you now take 2 more orders? Period 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Forecast 50 75 Customer Orders 45 25 105 20 110 15 40 Projected Available 110 60 30 -20 -5 -80 -30 Available to Promise MPS 125 50 units to be delivered in Period 8 30 units to be delivered in Period 12
Time Fences
Time Fences Frozen: no changes are possible with a certain period of time (i.e. 8 weeks) Time Fence (length of period schedule is frozen, liquid, etc.) Demand Fence: MPS numbers do not change and focus is on orders not forecast Planning Fence: Master Production Scheduler is planning more MPS.
Rough-cut capacity planning An estimate of the plans’ feasibility Given the demonstrated capacity of critical resources (e.g.: direct labor & machine time), have we overloaded the system?
Rough-Cut Capacity Planning Determine required resources & proposed workload: Hours/unit
Calculate Required Labor Hours Compare with hours available
Calculate Required Machine Hours Compare with hours available
Summary MPS Major Functions To form the link between production planning and what manufacturing builds. To plan capacity requirements. The MPS determines the capacity required. To plan material requirements. The MPS drives the material requirements plan. To keep priorities valid. The MPS is a priority plan for manufacturing. MGMT 3750
Summary MPS Links Between Sales and Production To aid in making order promises. The MPS is a plan for what is to be produced and when. As such, it tells sales and manufacturing when goods will be available for delivery. To be a contract between marketing and manufacturing. It is an agreed-upon plan. MGMT 3750
Summary The MPS must be realistic and based on what production can and will do. If not, the following may be the results Overload or underload of plant resources. Unreliable schedules resulting in poor delivery performance. High levels of work-in-process (WIP) inventory. Poor customer service. Loss of credibility in the planning system. MGMT 3750
End of Lecture 8