20th CJK UNIOT-WG (Smart IPv6 Networking) - IoT using IPv6 networking - Jung-Soo PARK, Yong-Geun Hong, Hyoung-Jun Kim {pjs, yghong, khj}@etri.re.kr Telecommunications Technology Association
Definition of IoTs (1/2) (Smart) Internet Originally, the Internet is based on the TCP/IP and well-configured device But the network based on the TCP/IP suite cannot be “Internet.” e.g., sensor network and telecommunication network Therefore, Smart Internet should include TCP/IP and non-TCP/IP protocol suites. Lightweight and massive node based network Things : Well-configured device objects people machine sensor, actuator, etc. and information clothes, food, medicine, books and etc. Internet: The original "Internet" is based on the TCP/IP protocol suite but any network based on the TCP/IP protocol suite cannot belong to the Internet because private networks and Telecommunication networks are not part of the Internet even though they are based on the TCP/IP protocol suite. In the viewpoint of IoT, the "Internet" considers the TCP/IP suite and non-TCP/IP suite at the same time. In the vision of IoT, "things" are very various such as computers, sensors, people, actuators, refrigerators, TVs, vehicles, mobile phones, clothes, food, medicines, books, etc. These things are classified as three scopes: people, machine (for example, sensor, actuator, etc) and information (for example clothes, food, medicine, books and etc). These "things" should be identified at least by one unique way of identification for the capability of addressing and communicating with each other and verifying their identities. In here, if the "thing" is identified, we call it the "object."
IPv6 Addressing System for IOT Definition of IoTs (2/2) IPv6 Addressing System for IOT Related Information Person Machine Things Things Smart Objects
Why IPv6 ? (1/2) Unique Identification for the IoT The capability of naming/addressing and communication with each other Verification of their identities Naming and addressing using IPv6 Unlimited scalable IPv6 spaces Hierarchical and aggregate IPv6 addresses Self-configuration Scope based multicast and anycast Multi-homing
Why IPv6 ? (2/2) Features and application of the IPv6
Research Issues (1/4) The feature of IoT architecture Smart Object Network Hierarchical Structure for massive nodes IPv6 networking Multiple access to the core network Mobility support Various types of devices e.g., Full function and reduced function devices
Research Issues (2/4) Naming and addressing for smart object (SO) in IoT Current multiple naming spaces for things How to map numerous things which named by heterogeneous names spaces … How to make the addressing system recognize and deal with multiple name spaces… Do we need to create a new addressing systems for SO ? Key features REST (representational State Transfer) based Naming Security support ID/LOC split ID(naming), LOC(Addressing for routing IPv6 is a good candidate
Research Issues (3/4) REST (Representational State Transfer) based design Web-based massive network design pattern All resources on the Web must be uniquely identified with a URI Related standards: HTTP, URL, XML/HTML/GIF, etc. Premier Member Reservation Service http://www.kings-air/reservations/premier01 client (x) http://www.kings-air/reservations/getClient? id=Premier01 Premier Members Regular Member Reservation Service http://www.kings-air/reservations/regular client Regular Members
Research Issues (4/4) Routing and Mobility for smart object (SO) in IoT Lightweight and energy saving routing Self–control Various mobility models Application areas Smart home Smart building Smart vehicle Smart city (u-city)
Relationship with ITU-T ITU-T SG13: Future networks Q.3: Requirements Q.5: Architecture USN Q.7 : IPv6 Impacts IPv6-Object, IPv6-split. IPv6-vmh Q.9: Multi-connection Q.12: services and interworking ITU-T SG16: Multimedia Q.25: USN applications and services Q.27: Vehicles
Relationship with ISO ISO/IEC JTC1 WG7 (Sensor networks) ISO/IEC 29182 : Sensor Network Reference Architecture (SNRA) ISO/IEC 30101 : Sensor Network and its Interface for Smart Grid System ISO TC204 ITS (Intelligent Transport Systems) ITS vision : everything connected Communicating vehicle Communication scenarios diversity Communication diversity Application diversity
Relationship with IETF WGs 6LoWPAN (IPv6 header compression) ROLL (IPv6 routing for low power/lossy networks) Core (Constrained RESTful Environments, former 6LoWApp (Low power applications) BoF) Eman (energy management) RRG (Routing research group) HIPRG (Host identity protocol research group) Light Weight IP Protocol Design BoF Address Resolution for Massive amount of hosts in large Data Center BoF Name-Based Sockets BOF