Resonances in Ψˊ→π+π-π0 and study of Ψˊ→VP decays at BESII


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Presentation transcript:

Resonances in Ψˊ→π+π-π0 and study of Ψˊ→VP decays at BESII Zheng Wang IHEP, Beijing,10039 China For BES Collaboration. Topical Seminar on Frontier of Particle physics 2004: QCD and Light Hadrons Sep. 26-30, 2004, Beijing, China

Outline Introduction PWA of Ψˊ→π+π-π0 Study of Ψˊ→VP ((,,)(,,ˊ),K*K ) Summary IHEP Zheng Wang

BES Detector and the data Introduction BES Detector and the data 14 Million Tracking: Main Drift Chamber Photon ID: BSC 6.42pb-1 continuum data (Ecm=3.65GeV) was used to estimate the continuum bg. Hadron ID: MDC(dE/dx)+TOF IHEP Zheng Wang

From “12% rule” to “ρπ puzzle” Introduction From “12% rule” to “ρπ puzzle” J/ and ’ hadronic decays proceed via 3 gluons or a virtual photon, neglect the difference of S at J/ and ’ , the ratio of ’ and J/ BRs is : Qh= ≈12% Suppression in VP mode ( & K*K ) revealed by MARK-II { M.E.B. Franklin et al, PRL 51 (1983) 963 } Suppression confirmed by BESI with higher sensetivity { Y.S.Zhu, Proc. of ichep ‘96, p.507 } IHEP Zheng Wang

Introduction ρπ Puzzle suppressed Qh values of main J/Ψ and Ψˊhadronic decays in PDG and previous BES results “12% rule” holds for many exclusive hadronic final state, but violated in Ψˊ → VP,VT decays compared with the expectation of “12% rule”, the outmost are Ψˊ→ρπ and K*K decays. IHEP Zheng Wang

Theoretical explanations Introduction Theoretical explanations Brodsky, Lepage, Tuan: { PRL 59 (1987) 621 } Intermediate vector glueball Chaichian & Torngvist : { NP B323 (1989) 75 } Hadronic form factor Pinsky : { PL B236 (1990) 479 } Generalized hindered M1 transition Li-Bugg-Zou { PR D55 (1997) 1421 } Final-state interaction Brodsky-Karliner { PRL 78 (1997) 4682 } Intrinsic charm |qqcc> Fock components of the light vector mesons Chen-Braaten { PRL 80 (1998) 5060 } Fock state with cc pair in a color-octet IHEP Zheng Wang

Theoretical explanations Introduction Theoretical explanations Gerard-Weyers { PL B462 (1999) 324 } cc annihilation into 5g via 2 steps Feldmann-Kroll { PR D62 (2000) 074006 } Decays thru light-quark Fock component by a soft mechanism Suzuki { PR D63 (2001) 054021 } (2S) - vector glueball mixing Rosner { PR D64 (2001) 094002 } (2S) - (1D) mixing J. P. Ma { PR D65 (2002) 097506 } Relativistic Correction IHEP Zheng Wang

Continuum contribution are subtracted incoherently in 3 πevents. hep-ex/0408047 submitted to PRL PWA of Ψˊ→π+π-π0 14M Ψˊdata ΨˊData 2 good track,2 more good gamma One π ID. electron veto µ veto Continuum Data Kinematic fit J/Ψ→μμ decay veto Two photons invariant mass Mass of π0 cut Continuum contribution are subtracted incoherently in 3 πevents. Samples of Ψˊ→π+π-π0 IHEP Zheng Wang

hep-ex/0408047 submitted to PRL PWA of Ψˊ→π+π-π0 ρ(770) band J/Ψ→μμ decay veto Except the suppression in Ψˊdecay, Dalitz plots for J/Ψand Ψˊ  +π-π0 are very different. IHEP Zheng Wang

hep-ex/0408047 submitted to PRL PWA Ψˊ→ π+π-π0 ML fit for the Dalitz plot. Helicity amplitude: ρ and its excited states. ρ was described by Gounaris-Sakurai(GS) parameter. Ψˊ π ρ π π IHEP Zheng Wang

PWA of Ψˊ→π+π-π0 in Ψˊ→3π process. (770)π, (2150) π are dominant. VP mode PWA of Ψˊ→π+π-π0 Ψˊ→ρ(770)π decay mode is observed for the first time. in Ψˊ→3π process. (770)π, (2150) π are dominant. 3π: (770)π: (2150) π = 1:0.28±0.03:1.07±0.09 IHEP Zheng Wang

________________________________________________ VP mode PWA of Ψˊ→3π Results on BRs _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ BR BESII (10 – 5 ) PDG04 (10 – 5 ) Ψˊ + - 0 18.1  1.8  1.9 8  5 Ψˊ   5.1  0.7  0.8 < 8.3 Ψˊ (2150)   + - 0 19.4  2.5 ________________________________________________ 1st measurement or precision much improved. Interference between ρand its excited states was taken into account. BES Preliminary IHEP Zheng Wang

hep-ex/0407037 , submitted to PRL Ψˊ→K*(892)K KSK+- +c.c. K* K*0 Dalitz plot in  ˊK*(892)K  KSK IHEP Zheng Wang

hep-ex/0407037 , submitted to PRL Ψˊ→K*(892)K K* 9.6±4.2 Evts. K*0 65.6±9.0 Evts. BES Preliminary Ψˊ K K* (892)± Ψˊ→K0 K* (892)0 Br±(2.9±1.3±0.4)10 –5 Br0(15.0±2.1±1.9)10 –5 5.2±2.7 isospin-violation IHEP Zheng Wang

Ψˊ→ , 0 ,ˊ,ωη,ωηˊ VP model Ψˊ→ωη IHEP Zheng Wang Ψˊ→φη Ψ→φπ0 not seen Ψˊ’ ( ’ +-, +- ) Ψˊ→ωηˊ (ηˊ→γππ) Ψˊ→ωηˊ (ηˊ→ηππ) Ψˊ→ωη IHEP Zheng Wang

EM Process: 0,,ˊ at Ecm=3650,3686,3773 MeV VP mode, EM process EM Process: 0,,ˊ at Ecm=3650,3686,3773 MeV For EM processes at continuum e+e-  (VP) 0 , , ˊ Pvp(S)=q3vp/3 ; q3vp – momentum of V or P ; Fvp(s) – form factor . For EM processes at Ψˊ  (VP) 0, , ’ =R+cont (INT  0, P.Wang et al, PL B593 (2004) 89 ) interference BRs (M Ψ(2S) ) & Fvp obtained simultaneously. IHEP Zheng Wang

EM Process: 0,,ˊ at Ecm=3650,3686,3773 MeV VP model ,EM process EM Process: 0,,ˊ at Ecm=3650,3686,3773 MeV ωπ0 ρη ρηˊ Ecm=3650 MeV L = 6.42 pb-1 Ecm=3686 MeV N Ψ(2S) = 14M Ecm=3773 MeVL = 17.3 pb-1 IHEP Zheng Wang

0 form factor BES Preliminary Curve A -- J.Gerard, PLB425(1998)365 VP mode ,form factor 0 form factor BES Preliminary Curve A -- J.Gerard, PLB425(1998)365 F(0) ~ 1/s Curve B –V.Chernyak, hep-ph/9906387 F(0) ~ 1/s2 IHEP Zheng Wang

Results of Ψˊ→VP VP model BES Preliminary ’ Nevt B(’) (10-5) B(J/) (10-4) PDG04 Q (%)  (770)  5.1  0.7  0.8 127  9 0.40 0.08  (2150)    13.2  4.8 1.78  0.65  0.22 1.93  0.23 9.2  3.7  ’ 2.5  1.7 1.87  1.27  0.36 1.05  0.18 17.8  12.9   14.0 4.8 1.88  0.64  0.32 4.2  0.6 4.5  1.8   <3.3 < 1.1 15.8  1.6 < 0.7  ’ 4.1 2.8 4.3  2.9  1.0 1.67  0.25 26  19   < 3.0 < 0.3 < 0.068   17.8  5.3 3.5  1.0  0.6 6.5  0.7 5.4  1.9  ’ 9.1  3.6 3.2  1.3  0.6 3.3  0.4 9.7  4.5 K+K*-+c.c. 9.6  4.2 2.9  1.3  0.4 50  4 0.58  0.27 K0K*0+c.c. 65.6  9.0 15.0  2.1  1.9 42  4 3.6  0.8 BES Preliminary

PQCD 12% Rule test using BESII Ψˊ→VP results Test of pQCD 12% Rule PQCD 12% Rule test using BESII Ψˊ→VP results IHEP Zheng Wang

Summary Thanks ! 谢谢! Measured BRs or upper limits of VP channels: ˊ (,,)(,,’), K*K (12 channels) In ˊ +π-π0, (770)π decay was observed for the first time. (770) & (2150) dominant. Observe large isospin-violation in ˊ K*K channel. F(0,,ˊ) at Ecm=3650, 3686, 3773 MeV measured. Tested 12% rule for all these decay modes. Some suppressed, some consistent. 12% rule seems to be too simplistic. A theory which can quantitatively describe these data is desired. More and accurate J/ ,ˊ and continuum data are helpful to elucidate the J/ and ˊ properties as well as properties of strong interaction. Thanks ! 谢谢! IHEP Zheng Wang

BESII .VS. CLEO-c Most channels BRs are consistent. BES BR()>CLEO VP mode BESII .VS. CLEO-c Most channels BRs are consistent. BES BR()>CLEO by ~ 3 because the different treatment of continuum BG. and the interference between ρ(770) and its excited state in PWA. BR(K*0K0) are deviated Upper limit @90% C.L. IHEP Zheng Wang

Br(Ψˊ  VP) and FVP(S) for 0,,ˊ VP mode, EM process Br(Ψˊ  VP) and FVP(S) for 0,,ˊ IHEP Zheng Wang

,ˊ at Ecm=3650,3686,3773 MeV e+e-   at Ecm=3650MeV Ψˊ  Ψˊ  ’ IHEP Zheng Wang