NRT Data Management Giuseppe M.R.Manzella, Franco Reseghetti - ENEA on behalf of the MFS/ADRICOSM VOS group: M. Borghini – CNR – Italy, V. Cardin - OGS – Italy, A.Cruzado – CSIC CEAB – Spain, V. Dadic – IOF – Croatia, F. Grilli – CNR – Italy, C. Galli – CNR – Italy, M. I. Gertman – IOLR – Israel, V. Malacic – MBS – Slovenia, C. Millot – CNRS LOB COM – France, M. Morovic – IOF – Croatia, E. Oszoy – IMS METU – Turkey, C. Tziavos – HCMR – Greece, G. Zodiatis – UC OCY – Cyprus, G. Montanari – Daphne – Italy, S. Serra – Daphne – Italy, N. Smodakla – CMR – Croatia, M. Marini – CNR – Italy, and … many … many other colleagues …
Outline of the presentation MFS- VOS system QA protocols QC procedures Data and viewing service Data access
MFS-VOS in the Mediterranean Started in September 1999 Sustained by: MFSPP (EC-DG Research) ADRICOSM (MATT) MFSTEP (EC-DG Research) ADRICOSM (IOC, MAE, MATT)
MFS-VOS system Activities in the framework of EuroGOOS and MedGOOS Supports the Mediterranean Forecasting System /Adricosm Included in the GMES Ocean component
Requirements An ideal sampling design is based on four goals: - 1. provide repetitive measurements along transects from coast to coast, 2. the transects must cross significant dynamical features of the circulation, 3. the sampling distance should resolve, as well as possible, the mesoscale, 4. the technologies for data collection must be robust and simple, to be used on ships of opportunity, eventually by ship personnel.
MFS-VOS (XBT) in the Mediterranean XBT data from Sept 1999 to June 2006 MFSPP Adricosm PP MFSTEP Adricosm Ext
Adricosm (CTD) in the Adriatic Adricosm Pilot Project Adricosm Extension
Monitoring System in 2005
Phases of monitoring system and QA/QC Design of the Monitoring System Field work Data telemetry NRT data QC Sampling strategy and technology QA protocols for field work Tecnology for full resolution data transmission Methodology for NRT QC
Design Design of the Monitoring System Field work Data telemetry NRT data QC Sampling strategy and technology QA protocols for field work Tecnology for full resolution data transmission Methodology for NRT QC
Design of the Monitoring System Main paths and mesoscale
Design of the Monitoring System Dense Water formation
MFS-VOS in the Mediterranean From 1999 to 2006
Tracks vs Features
Tracks vs Ship routing (oil transport)
Technology Sippican system Industrial computer
Phases of monitoring system and QA/QC Design of the Monitoring System Field work Data telemetry NRT data QC Sampling strategy and technology QA protocols for field work Tecnology for full resolution data transmission Methodology for NRT QC
Check List (click) Description of principles Expected Results Responsibility Working Procedures Deviation/Deficiencies Expected data
Phases of monitoring system and QA/QC Design of the Monitoring System Field work Data telemetry NRT data QC Sampling strategy and technology QA protocols for field work Tecnology for full resolution data transmission Methodology for NRT QC
Transmission tools: from ARGOS to Globalstar Initially only some significant points extracted from the temperature profiles were transmitted by mean of ARGOS in real time. In order to have the full resolution profiles, the data transmission system was changed with the use of GSM and Internet systems. The data were transmitted in near-real time, e.g. with a delay of about 12 – 20 hours from data collection. Now full resolution profiles are transmitted by means of the Globalstar system
Advantages: from ARGOS to Globalstar
Data Flow and QC Data are transmitted from ships to MFS-VOS Thematic Data Centre Data are QC with a unique (improved) NRT procedure
Phases of monitoring system and QA/QC Design of the Monitoring System Field work Data telemetry NRT data QC Sampling strategy and technology QA protocols for field work Tecnology for full resolution data transmission Methodology for NRT QC
Sources of Error: wind/ship contact
Sources of Error: ground connection
QC Methodology – Initial Version The NRT.QC.XBT procedure then proceeds with 8 steps that in synthesis are (Manzella, Scoccimarro, Pinardi, Tonani - 2003) initial visual check gross range check* position control* elimination of spikes* interpolation at 1 metre interval* gaussian smoothing* general malfunction control* comparison with climatology* final visual check, confirming the validity of profiles and providing an overall consistency
Comparison with climatology This is done in terms of ‘distance’ of the XBT data to the mean monthly profile. If this ‘distance’ is less than 2 standard deviations, the XBT data are considered of good quality, if it is between 2 – 4 standard deviation or is greater than 4 a flag standard deviations the data values are flagged.
MFS-VOS_1 (XBT data)
MFS-VOS_1 (XBT data)
MFS-VOS_1 (XBT data)
MFS-VOS_1 (XBT data)
MFS-VOS_1 (XBT data)
MFS-VOS_1 (XBT data)
MFS-VOS_1 (XBT data)
MFS-VOS_1 (XBT data)
MFS-VOS_1 (XBT data)
MFS-VOS_1 (XBT data)
MFS-VOS_1 (XBT data)
MFS-VOS_1 (XBT data)
QC Methodology Improvement The use the ACQUISITION TIME (fixed increments due to the 10 Hz sampling rate) as free parameter. The APPLICATION of Gaussian smoothing before interpolation at 1 metre interval. START-UP problem Systematic difference at the seasonal thermocline depth. The XBT recording system needs time before it measures stable T values (within 0.1 ºC). The observed averaged delay is 0.3 ± 0.1 s (2.0 m). Each profile could be rescaled. NEW FALL RATE COEFFICIENTS seem to be required in Mediterranean for XBTs. … (Paper by Reseghetti et al. Ocean Science – All improvements will be applied after the approval from SOOP community)
MFS-VOS Services Data selection through user friendly interface (geographical, temporal, parameter, quality selection) – Data downloading Data view (spatial and temporal distribution, vertical profiles, data, metadata) Format transformation (MedAtlas, ODV)
Services: data view and downloading
Services: data view and downloading
Download data: - Original format (raw) MedAtlas ODV (only QC data)
Other services (not visible in the web) Format transformation from: EDF (Sippican) to MedAtlas and ODV MedAtlas to ODV (ADRICOSM) SeaBird to MedAtlas and ODV (ADRICOSM)