Report to Delta Review: Hadronic Validation 19 January 2009 CERN
Outline Overview of hadronics validation Responses to reviewers’ recommendations 18 and 19 2
Overview of Hadronics Validation
Description of Low Energy and Cascade Benchmarks http:// Test30 Low energy/spallation Test35 HARP data (medium energy) Test45 Neutron yield 4
Test30 p + A → n + X 22 Al, Zr, Fe [1], 1980 35 Zr, Pb [2], 1976 E (MeV) Element Reference 22 Al, Zr, Fe [1], 1980 35 Zr, Pb [2], 1976 70, 100, 150, 210 Li [14], 1999 113 Al, Be, C, Fe, Pb [3], 1989 256 Al, Be, Fe, Pb [4], 1992 585 - 597 [5], 1993 800 1000 Al, Cu, Pb [6], 2005 1200 Al, W, Zr [7], 2002 1500 Al, C, Fe, Pb, In 1600 3000 Inclusive neutron prod
Test 30 n + A → p + X Test 30 p + A → p + X Test 30 n + A → n + X E (MeV) Element Reference 5, 25, 50 Si [8], 1999 11 Cu [9], 1987 14 Ni [10], 1972 63 Bi [11], 2003 Test 30 p + A → p + X E (MeV) Element Reference 100 Ni [12], 1991 200 Test 30 n + A → n + X E (MeV) Element Reference 65 Pb [13], 1996 Fe
Low Energy Benchmarks (Test 30) 7
Test 35 p + A → π± + X Data from large angle HARP experiment: 0.35 – 2.15 radians Proton beam energies: 3, 5, 8, 8.9, 12 GeV/c Targets: Be, Al, C, Cu, Sn, Ta, Pb Pion momentum: 0.1 – 0.7 GeV/c Data from forward angle HARP experiment 0.03 – 0.21 radians Proton and π± beam energies: 3, 5, 8, 8.9, 12, 12.9 GeV/c Targets: Be, C, N, O, Al, Cu, Sn, Ta, Pb Pion momentum: 0.5 – 8.0 GeV/c Accuracy of the data about 10% for proton beam 10-50% for pion data due to limited statistic 8
Large-angle HARP Data G4 9.2beta 9
Test 45 Neutron Yield (p,nX) on C, Ta, W double differential flux at 50 MeV incident 10
(p, nX)Ta at 50 MeV 11
Description of Medium Energy Benchmarks http:// 1.4 – 9.0 GeV (p,pX) on Be, C, Cu, Pb, U Bayukov, 1985 Invariant cross section vs kinetic energy 1.4 – 5.0 GeV (p+,p), (p+,n) on Be, C, Cu, Pb, U 14.6 GeV/c (p,p+X), (p,p-X) on Be, Al, Cu, Au Abbot, 1992 Invariant cross section vs transverse mass 14.6 GeV/c (p,pX) on Cu 12
7.5 GeV (p,pX) on Pb 13
7.5 GeV (p,nX) on C 14
Description of High Energy Benchmarks http:// 100 GeV/c (p-,p-X), (p-,p+ X) on Au Whitmore, 1994 dN/dy vs y (rapidity) 158 GeV/c (p,pX) on C NA49, 2007 Double differential cross section vs pT, xF 250 GeV/c (p+, charged) on Al, Au NA22, 1991 Double particle density vs y 320 geV/c (p-,p-X), (p-,p+ X) on Au dN/dpT vs pT, dN/dy vs y 400 GeV/c (p,p+X) on Ta Bayukov, 1980 Invariant cross section vs kinetic energy 15
NA49 158 GeV/c (QGSP) 16
NA49 158 GeV/c (FTFP) 17
Ion-Ion Validation Testing QMD, Binary Light Ion and Abrasion/Ablation models Validation against triple-differential cross sections (E,q, fragment A) Kwiatkowski et al., Phys.Rev.Lett. 50,1648 (1983) fragment energy from protons on Al Validation against double differential cross sections (E,q) H. Sato et al., Phys. Rev. C 64, 054607 (2001) neutron yield from C+C, C+Al, C+Cu, C+Pb 18
135 AMeV Ne + Cu -> n + X 19
C12 290MeV/n on Carbon Secondary neutron spectra + Data + G4BinaryCascade + G4QMD 20
QMD and Binary Light Ion Cascade compared to triple differential cross sections (A = 27) Fragment energy (MeV) 21
QMD and Binary Light Ion Cascade compared to Triple Differential Cross Sections Fragment energy (MeV) 22
Responses to Recommendations 18 and 19
Recommendation 18: populate database with relevant experimental data and validations Number of validations and data sets has grown significantly in last few years growth will continue Have succeeded in concentrating all results at two points of access http:// http:// Plan eventually to have a single point of access for all hadronic results 24
Recommendation 18: populate database with relevant experimental data and validations Test30, test35, test45 http:// Low energy, spallation and cascade region validations plus references to all data medium energy validations from HARP Validation web page (see Results and Publications on Geant4 web page) http:// medium energy validation + data list and references high energy validations validations done by ATLAS and CMS 25
Recommendation 19: benchmarking against other Monte Carlo codes Geant4/FLUKA benchmarking performed as part of LCG simulation validation project http:// Participated in Hadronic Shower Simulation Workshop 2006, planning for 2009 head-to-head comparisons with MCNPX, Mars, FLUKA, PHITS Nominally every 1.5 to 2 years, delayed until 2009 We are participating in IAEA Spallation benchmarks http:// nds121/ /Main_Page comparisons with FLUKA, MCNPX, Geant4, among others could be recurring 26
Recommendation 19: benchmarking against other Monte Carlo codes We participate in SATIF benchmarking http://www. neutron propagation and shielding benchmarking held every two years Geant4, MCNPX, FLUKA, PHITS Preliminary discussions with MCNPX developers to enable head-to-head comparisons with Geant4 requires method of sharing MCNPX input files Such meetings are for now the best way to do head-to-head comparisons do not have sufficient expertise in other codes within collaboration to do comparisons by ourselves best to have code authors do it 27