Drug Facts By Hailee Strunk
Alcohol 1. Alcohol will destroy your brain cells. 2. It will make you addictive.
Media Influence “A study on drug, alcohol, and tobacco references found that 98% of the 20 most popular movies rented in '96 and '97 "depict" use of at least one of the substances, drugs and alcohol and 27% of the 1,000 most popular music recordings from those two years "contained a clear reference to either alcohol or illicit drugs." (Holland)
Crack It’s addictive. You’ll be put in jail.
Cocaine change brain you'll crash
Heroin drowsy brain will produce powerful feelings
Marijuana loss of control health
Bibliography Hyde, Margaret and John Setaro. Drugs 101. Brookfield,CT: Twenty-First Century Books, 2003. Holland, Bill. "Gov't Reports On Drug Mentions In Music." Billboard 111.0 (08 May 1999): 73. Middle Search Plus. EBSCO. S. C. Lee jr. High, Copperas Cove,Tx . 20 May 2009 <http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=mih&AN=1832526&site=srck5-live>.