Consonant Exercises
place Consonant review bilabial labiodental interdental alveolar palatal velar glottal
Manner Consonant review plosives fricatives affricates nasals liquids glides
Stops + Fricatives + Affricates Obsturents Nasal + Liquids + glides Sonorants Noisy Fricatives + Affricates Stridant (/h/, //, // out) Glides + Liquids Approximants
1. Indicate the speech sound that is described by the following characteristics: Voiced, lingual-alveolar, plosive Voiceless, lingua-dental, fricative Voice, palatal, glide Voiced, labio-dental, fricative Voiced, velar, nasal Voiced, platal, fricative Voiceless, lingua-alveolar, plosive Voiceless, platal, affricate
2. Proved the voicing, place, and manner for the following sounds: /z/ /h/ /b/ /f/ /∫/ /n/ /dz/
3. Indicate the sounds that belong in the following groups: All voiced labials All voiced fricatives All velars All platals All non-strident fricatives All strident lingual fricatives All strident obsturents
4. Tell what the sounds in each group have in common /v/, /b/, /m/ /d/, /n/, /s/, /z/ /h/, // , // /b/, /g/, /d/ /j/, /r/, /∫/, /t∫/, /dz/ /t∫/, /t/, /s/, /k/, /p/