Philip of Macedon & Alexander the Great Classical Greece The Athenian Empire The Peloponnesian War Philip of Macedon & Alexander the Great
The Delian League Defeated Persia in 479 BCE & claimed small parts of the coast of Asia Minor Athens proposed an alliance to ward off any future Persian attack – Sparta opposed Aristides organizes the Delian League to defend Greece Each state sign a treaty and contribute to maintaining a fleet in the Agean Athens provided all officials and commanders Treasury and meetings held on island of Delos – Delian League Membership soon became manditory Lead by Kimon, the league defeats the Persians in 467 BCE and Pericles leads the liberation of Cyprus shortly after A defeat to the Persians in 450 BCE prompts Pericles to move the treasury to Athens – beginning of the Athenian Empire
Delian League
Pericles & Democracy Pericles was the greatest leader of ancient Greece Democracy under Pericles Every citizen could speak & vote on every piece of legislation in the Assembly Every citizen had an equal chance to hold public office Law cases determined by majority vote of citizen juries Introduced pay for serving on the Council of 500, juries and in various civic offices – allowed even the poorest to serve
Pericles (495-429 BCE) “We judge the man who takes not part in public affairs a useless, not just a quiet, person” “Freedom is the sure possession of those alone who have the courage to defend it.” “Everyone is equal before the law”
Athens vs. Sparta Athens Sparta Sea power Governed by radical democracy Wealthy trading nation and empire Very progressive in culture, art & architecture Continued to expand its empire and wealth Land power Very conservative, oligarchic government Virtually all wealth produced by slaves (helots) Produced little significant literature, art or philosophy Sought alliances to protect itself, not expand its influence
Ancient Sparta
Athens today
The Peloponnesian War: Rivalry Between Sparta & Athens 464 BCE an earthquake destroyed much of Sparta This event triggered a massive revolt of the helots (Spartan slaves from neighbouring Messenia) By 462 revolt was so serious Sparta called on the Athenians, as well as other allies for help Kimon (Athenian general) convinced Athens to send 4000 soldiers, but when they arrived they were sent away Sparta feared the Athenians would support the slaves Kimon is later ostracised
The Peloponnesian War: Part 1 Athens and Sparta had signed a 30 year peace treaty in 445 BCE Athenian Alliance: Delian League Spartan Alliance: Peloponnesian League Athens excluded Corinth and Megara, members of the Peloponnesian League, from trade in the Aegean – triggered Peloponnesian war
The Peloponnesian War: Part 2 Pericles takes measures to defend Athens – builds 2 long walls from the port of Piraeus so that food & supplies could be brought into Athens Athens was rich and well prepared Plague struck in 430 BCE – devastated Athens & took Pericles War lasted 27 years!
The Peloponnesian War: Part 3 Athens foolishly tries to conquer Syracuse – a very costly failure In 408 Sparta turns to Persia for aid –Persia supplies Sparta with ships In 405 Athens is finally defeated 30 tyrants are placed in charge of Athens – reign of terror for 8 months 403 Athens is retaken by exiles favouring democracy and recovers, but will never be a great power again
Philip The Great After Peloponnesian War, Sparta tries to dominate Greek city-states - unsuccessful Philip of Macedon – king of Macedonia – held hostage in Thebes – learned new battle tactics of Greeks Returns to Macedonia and creates a professional army, defeating the Greeks in 338 BCE – unites all Greek states under single leader Philip is assassinated before he could launch invasion of Persia. Leadership passes to his son Alexander
20 years old when he assumes leadership Alexander the Great 20 years old when he assumes leadership Tutored by Aristotle for a while Had a genius for identifying the weakness of his enemy 334 sets out to conquer Persia with only 35,000 soldiers Conquers the entire Near East (to India) and much of the Mediterraean Dreamed of conquering the entire world, but died of illness just before his 33rd birthday
Significance of Alexander: The Hellenistic Age The death of Alexander marks end of the Classical Age (480-323 BCE) & the beginning of the Hellenistic Age (323-31 BCE) Greek teachers, soldiers, craftsmen, artists, writers etc… pour into the newly conquered areas Greek culture is very attractive, especially to the educated, and significantly influenced every society it encountered Greek language became the language of the educated class and Greek culture, literature and philosophy would be hugely influential in much of the Near East for the next several hundred years
The End After Alexander’s death his empire is divided amongst his generals Seleucus takes Asia – establsihes Seleucid dynasty Ptolemy takes Egypt and Libya Antigonus takes Europe Rome would conquer Greece in 146 BCE Greek city states would continue to govern their internal affairs – often democratically