The Seven Building Blocks of Art THE ART ELEMENTS The Seven Building Blocks of Art SPACE SHAPE FORM LINE TEXTURE COLOR VALUE “South Seneca Falcons Love To Celebrate Victories”
The Six DESIGN PRINCIPLES Movement Repetition and Rhythm Contrast Unity Balance Emphasis
MOVEMENT How the viewer’s eyes move through the artwork, usually leading to the FOCAL POINT.
Notice how your eyes move around the form of this sculpture.
Movement by LEAD-IN LINE
Movement by PSYCHIC LINE
Movement by ACTUAL LINE
How does your eye move through this artwork?
How does your eye move through this artwork?
REPETITION and RHYTHM How the art elements are REPEATED in an artwork to CREATE UNITY and VISUAL RHYTHM.
Repetition of LINE, SHAPE, and COLOR
Repetition of TEXTURE and LINE
Repetition of VALUE and FORM
RHYTHM is the visual FLOW of the elements in an artwork RHYTHM is the visual FLOW of the elements in an artwork. TYPES OF RHYTHM: Legato Staccato Alternating Progressive
LEGATO Rhythm – smooth and flowing
LEGATO Rhythm – smooth and flowing
STACCATO Rhythm – choppy with abrupt changes
STACCATO Rhythm – choppy with abrupt changes
ALTERNATING Rhythm – creates a pattern
ALTERNATING Rhythm – creates a pattern
PROGRESSIVE Rhythm – a repeating change from big to small, thick to thin, high to low, etc.
PROGRESSIVE Rhythm – a repeating change from big to small, thick to thin, high to low, etc.
What type of REPETITION and RHYTHM do you see in this artwork?
What type of REPETITION and RHYTHM do you see in this artwork?
The amount of DIFFERENCE in an artwork. CONTRAST The amount of DIFFERENCE in an artwork.
HIGH Contrast – dramatic and eye-catching
LOW Contrast – subtle and soothing
FUNCTIONS OF CONTRAST: Create Interest Create Emphasis Create Feeling
Many ELEMENTS can be CONTRASTED in an artwork.
Contrast VALUES
Contrast SIZES
Contrast LINES
Contrast COLORS
Contrast SHAPES
How to create a sense of “ONENESS” or togetherness in an artwork. UNITY How to create a sense of “ONENESS” or togetherness in an artwork.
WAYS TO ACHIEVE UNITY: Continuation Proximity Repetition
Notice how the SHAPE and VALUES of the plates and pie slices are CONTINUED, REPEATED, and placed in close PROXIMITY to one another to create a sense of “ONENESS” in this artwork.
How is UNITY shown in this artwork?
How is UNITY shown in this artwork?
How the art elements create equal or unequal VISUAL WEIGHT. BALANCE How the art elements create equal or unequal VISUAL WEIGHT.
TYPES OF BALANCE: Symmetrical Asymmetrical Radial Crystallographic
SYMMETRICAL Balance same on both side; equal visual weight
ASYMMETRICAL Balance different on each side, but with equal visual weight
ASYMMETRICAL Balance by VALUE and COLOR: A SMALL DARK area will balance out a LARGE LIGHT area.
ASYMMETRICAL Balance by SHAPE: Many SMALL SHAPES will balance out a LARGE SHAPE.
ASYMMETRICAL Balance by TEXTURE: A LARGE SMOOTH (Plain) area will balance out a SMALLER TEXTURED area.
RADIAL Balance radiates out from a central point
RADIAL Balance
CRYSTALLOGRAPHIC Balance An all-over pattern
How to ATTRACT ATTENTION, usually creating a FOCAL POINT. EMPHASIS How to ATTRACT ATTENTION, usually creating a FOCAL POINT.
WAYS TO ACHIEVE EMPHASIS: Placement Isolation Contrast
Emphasis by PLACEMENT
Emphasis by ISOLATION
Emphasis by CONTRAST
How is EMPHASIS shown in this artwork?