Method of prescribing ---Subjective Homoeopathy The art of prescribing on subjective signs and symptoms
Characteristics of the child She was very expressive and she detailed her complaints with accuracy. The speed of her speech was very marked. The intensity of the anger is very marked and she feels like killing the person against whom she is angry. She feels that some ghost is behind her and he will come suddenly and murder her. She talked of being interested in dead people and that her grand father is around protecting her from harm. She also has a special liking for magic shows. She draws doodles depicting heart devil with arrows and a tail when she is angry.
Clincher to the remedy The themes of anger and aggression were prominent in the patient. the feeling that someone or a ghost is standing behind her. The interest in magic and dead bodies. The extreme anger where she feels like killing the person who she is angry with. The doodle depicting the heart devil when she gets angry and that she feels like tearing the paper in extreme anger. She was prescribed an equally aggressive remedy from an animal source to match the pace of her own inner aggression. 08
Remedy She was administered the remedy Crotalus Cascavella in homoeopathic dilutions. The child recovered from all her complaints over a period of one year. Her skin complaints improved and also her tonsillitis attacks reduced in intensity to begin with and then soon ceased to appear. There was also a change in her nature i.e. she was less angry and this reflected in her doodles as well.