Review and Renew 1 November 2017
Grammar Quiz These were not very good….. Please take the following notes in your notebooks:
Grammar Quiz Review MISPLACED/DANGLING MODIFIERS Look for the “modifying phrase” (typically at the beginning in the example we have gone over) Underline it. What comes directly after it? If it’s the person or thing that phrase is about, you’re good! If it does not make sense for that to be the “doer”, move on… If the “doer” is somewhere else in the sentence, just in the wrong spot, it’s MISPLACED. If the “doer” is nowhere to be found, then it’s DANGLING!
Remember: If the phrase is talking about no one in the sentence and they are missing, it’s DANGLING! If they/it is there but not right after that phrase, it’s MISPLACED! Don’t panic it’s organic!
CONNOTATION and DENOTATION CONNOTATION/ DENOTATION The DENOTATION is the dictionary definition of a word. The CONNOTATION is the mood or feeling of a word. It can be positive, negative, or neutral. Depending on the context of a word, it CAN change. Some words have static (unchanging) connotations. “Desk” is neither good nor bad, so it has a neutral connotation. You will typically be asked to EXPLAIN a connotation, since you have to provide a context.
QUESTIONS Look over the questions for Ch 10-14. You don’t have to write down the answers but you do need to have thoughtful things to say about them! We will be doing a Socratic Circle tomorrow so be prepared to discuss these. Come up with 3-5 GOOD questions about the end of the book to bring to the discussion tomorrow!
PLOT SUMMARY Ch 18 – They wake up after the blizzard during the competition. The other hunters find them. They go and find Billy’s dogs. They had been circling the tree all night long not only to keep the coon treed but also to keep their blood flowing. They are pitiful and covered in ice but alive! They warm up the dogs, the dogs take the last coon and BILLY WINS THE COMPETETION! He gets the prize $$ (woo-hoo! 300$!) Momma is really excited about the $$.
PLOT CONTINUED Ch XIX (nineteen): Billy goes back hunting with his dogs. One night, they encounter a bobcat. They’ve taken them down before but Billy has a low opinion of them, calling them “A vicious predatory animal” and “devil cat” Ann gets wounded, and so does Dan. As they are walking, Billy sees his insides are hanging on the outside. Billy’s mom tries to fix him, but Dan dies a few days later. Billy digs a grave for him (tears); Little Ann refuses to eat after this and dies basically of heartbreak. Flash forward a few months: Billy and his family are moving into the city. He sees the Red Fern growing between his dogs.
LEGEND OF THE RED FERN “I had heard the old Indian legend about the red fern. How a little Indian boy and girl were lost in a blizzard and had frozen to death. In the spring, when they were found, a beautiful red fern had grown up between their two bodies. The story went on to say that only an angel could plant the seeds of a red fern, and that they never died; where one grew, that spot was sacred.”
DGP Work with a partner and get through as much of it as you can! Use technology (appropriately) and other resources that you may need. Please complete ALL of the worksheet (even Thursday!)