First Calls in Uncertain Times SMVPO 2012
Outline Stats & Trends Starting with YOU Marcia Myers, PC(USA) Vocation Director Actively Seeking Before the Call Comes
Stats and Trends In PC(USA) after “certified ready to receive a call” 29% are ordained within 6 months 33% are ordained within 7-12 months By 2 years out, 90% will receive a call Median: 9 months to first call
Starting with YOU Do everything you can to convey a professional image: Appearance Timeliness Follow-up contacts with committees Don’t burn bridges Politeness Attitude of gratitude, not entitlement
Only YOU Highlight your uniqueness in interviews and resumes/PIFs Gifts for ministry Interests Skills from previous work
Word to the Wise If you haven’t taken candidacy steps to get final approval to search, DO SO immediately.
Actively Seeking What is your mindset? Start with prayer that is oriented toward God and not self. Have a “Plan B” in place in case you do not receive a call immediately. Start Networking Many positions are never posted because they are filled through networking Every person you meet may be a potential resource Places to network: presbytery/conference; internship contacts; home church; conferences;
Actively Seeking, cont. Direct Contact with churches/agencies Denominational/conference/presbytery websites Search as geographically broad as possible Consider bi-vocational ministry Take advantage of SMVPO’s services (reverse matching, resume reading, PIF reading, Bios, etc.) Interview early and often
Specifically For Presbyterians The Church Leadership Connection (CLC) has many job opportunities. The CLC does NOT have ALL the churches that are seeking. Usually churches that are seeking part-time and specialized ministries don’t post on the CLC. Those tend to be shared by word of mouth and on presbytery websites. Positions on the rise: designated pastor, bi-vocational ministry, “Ignite Movement: 1001 New Worshipping Communities”
Other Job Posting Sites* ChurchStaffSearch PastorSearchCommittee (non-denom., Assem. of God, etc.) Association of Professional Chaplains (non-profit jobs) Youth (good site! Mainline denoms. And more) *be careful about sharing personal info until you have checked the legitimacy of the posting
Denominational Sites Presbyteries American Baptist Church Opportunity Search PC(USA) (racial ethnic, “diversified”) VA Conference of the United Methodist Church
Until the Call Comes . . . Consider internships after graduation Consider “For Such a Time as This” program Explore a non-ordainable call If financially possible, volunteer at a church or non-profit Do pulpit supply Serve as a pastoral associate