Influencing commissioners: Theory and practice Linda Ward
Commissioning Between organisations Providers Commissioners (PCTS) Within organisations LIS act as providers of services Commissioning relationship with their organisations
Commissioners making funding decisions Advocate for the individual Advocate for the community Manage limited budgets Difficult decisions have to be made
To develop or maintain services, LIS need to Understand their organisation’s needs At the individual level (support for EBP, lifelong learning, education and research) At the community level (Trusts’ need to meet Healthcare commission / NHSLA standards, Audit etc) Influence decision makers to understand and support what LIS can offer
Influencing skills Starting a CL service Maintaining a service Stories Chance meetings & follow-up Stories Evidence Bargaining Organisational awareness Relationships Empowerment Common vision Critical incidents Evaluation of IMPACT Quantitative evidence New Unit – opportunity for innovation Individual AND Trust needs Direct / indirect influencing e.g. lobbying before meetings = higher level of Influencing skills NHS Institute Leadership Qualities Framework LQF Champion Month 1 - explore options Competing priorities Adapting the service to Maximise benefit to ‘commissioners’ Joint development of the service Networks created, meeting needs and developing LIS Networks created, meeting needs and developing LIS FUNDING
Never give up Adapt and survive