CRU Weekly Meeting Discussion on Trigger


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Presentation transcript:

CRU Weekly Meeting Discussion on Trigger CRU INDIA TEAM 6th May 2015

Frame Length = 100 ms (TPC drift Time) Trigger System Triggered Detectors Continuous Readout Detectors Header Payload Time Physics Trigger Frame Length = 100 ms (TPC drift Time) Header Payload Time Heartbeat Trigger CRU INDIA TEAM

Trigger and Timing Distribution Schema CRU INDIA TEAM

Data Format LTU-CRU 188 bits / each BC CRU INDIA TEAM Event Type Event ID (ORBIT 32 bit) (BCId 12 bit) Input Mask (48 bit) Message/Spare (64 bit) Detector Mask (24 bit) 188 bits / each BC CRU INDIA TEAM

Data Format CRU-FE Detectors with FPGA Detectors without FPGA 80 bits Event Type (8 bit) Event ID (ORBIT 32 bit) (BCId 12 bit) Message/Spare (28 bits) 80 bits Detectors without FPGA Event Type (8 bit) Event ID (ORBIT 32 bit) 40 bits CRU INDIA TEAM

Trigger Signals / IDs Heartbeat Signal Bunch crossing Counter Orbit Counter Trigger Counter CRU INDIA TEAM

Trigger Distribution Channel LTU-CRU: PON/TFC CTP-Detector and Detector-CRU: GBT CRU INDIA TEAM

Few Questions Is Trailer required, for any error correction mechanism? Did we missed out in any signals/IDs? Header Payload Trailer CRU INDIA TEAM