DAMPE Status (T9) Steadily taking data since last Thursday Took a couple days to tune the beams and setup the triggers for pion, proton, electron and photon for the DAMPE DAQ and detector conditions 3 DAQ systems synchronized DAMPE, Spectrometers trackers (AMS ladders), Ancillary detectors (CC, trigger and veto counters, lead-glass electron tagger) Large amount of good quality data taken 10 GeV pions for alignment and MIP calibration 10 GeV pions angle scan for position resolution studies Proton energy scan 3.5 to 10 GeV for energy response Electron energy scan 0.5 – 5 GeV for energy linearity, energy resolution and trigger efficiency Angle and position scan of 5 GeV electrons Angle scan of photon produced by 3 GeV electrons Very grateful to have rather steady beams to T9 in the last week Hope to have the same until Tuesday next week to complete our program
A quite sophisticated photo tag system has been setup by our Bari and Perugia collaborators
Brem photons from a 3 GeV electron beam
Very preliminary!
Very preliminary!
Moving to SPS for 12-19 Nov. Stop data taking at the evening of the 11th Disconnect and packing Move to H4 on Nov. 12th 09h00: Radioprotection inspection 10h00: Transport truck arrival at Bld. 157 10h30: Truck loading complete 11h00: Truck arrival at EHN1 11h30: DAMPE in H4 16h00: Safety and electrical inspection Help of the technical teams in both experimental areas will be greatly appreciated
Preparation of the SPS Setup Preparation underway, thanks to Adrian and Michael
A few details … Remove some items in the area Beam pipes both upstream and downstream of Goliath Table inside the Goliath plate on top of the XY table Cable rail and support at the back of the area It would be great if they can be removed before the arrival of the truck (~11h00) next Wed. morning Set up the magnet Setup Cerenkov counters Patrol training Beam tuning Proton time