Advanced digital marketing Introduction to digital marketing presented by selfneed
Digital marketing mediums What is digital marketing ? Digital marketing is promoting or creating brand awareness using internet. Digital marketing mediums Search Engines Website Social media Mobile app Email Inbound
Organic Marketing Paid Marketing Mobile Marketing Reporting Pay per click Display ads Video ads Social media Email marketing Direct traffic Social media Inbound marketing Email marketing Organic Marketing Paid Marketing Mobile Marketing Reporting Mobile app Ads in mobile ORM Analytics
SEO depends on many factors algorithms created by search engines How is SEO Done ? SEO depends on many factors algorithms created by search engines - 200 + factors used by Google to rank a page. 82% of the search users click on organic links SEO increases the leads and brand authority SEO take a good time and effort.
How to do PPC? PPC can be implemented using these programs - Google Ad Words - Bing Ads 18% user click on paid Ads Very Fast and effective Marketing
Social media marketing To Increase Brand Awareness and Business Leads Facebook Pinterest / InstaGram Google+ YouTube Twitter Linkedin