2016 Q4: Single Company Ladder Ladder Company Multi Tasks
Ventilation and Fire Ground Support Operations are key to the success of suppression. This quarters drill is intended for all agencies regardless of having a ladder company. Efficiency and Speed on the fire ground is imperative in controlling a fire, “Smooth is Fast.” This drill is designed in meeting this goal.
Tasks Set up aerial or ground ladder as a company for vertical ventilation. The goals is to become efficient as a company. Set up a ground ladder for rescue at a second story window as a company. Force a door as a company. (two crew members can force door while Officer sizes up next door) Cut window bars with cut off saw as a company. Set up positive pressure fan on a structure.(or multiple on large buildings) All tasks are from the seat to objective point, to the back in service position. (ie. Tools are cleaned and power saws fueled up) Discuss ways to become more efficient with back in service procedures)
Discuss*apply*review Find a building or vent prop (If applicable), and conduct walk through training from the apparatus to the roof. Use this as an opportunity to review your job and tool assignments, and if your department does not use them discuss what each position is responsible for. Once all members are comfortable with operations conduct a timed evolutions from the apparatus to the roof, and off of the roof.
Documentation Conduct the training and record your times and share with companies among your department. The focus of this training should be ladder (or ladder truck) placement, access to the roof, and proper ventilation operations (cut sequences, travel, etc.) proper forcible entry techniques and affective fan operations. Discuss what tools and specific tasks each member is responsible for to conduct a quick result.