Solving problems with your peers. Conflict Resolution Solving problems with your peers.
What are the major causes of conflict? As a class discuss the reasons why students get into arguments. Brainstorm and make a list for each question. Why do students have conflicts with each other? Why do students and teachers have conflicts? Why do families have conflicts?
Did anger come up on your lists? Anger is a strange emotion. It is called a secondary emotion. That means that you cannot feel angry unless you feel some other emotion as well (sometimes several). You will always be angry unless you learn to deal with your other feelings, too. Think about the last time you were angry. As a class brainstorm and discuss the other emotions you might be feeling along with anger.
What did you come up with? Some very common emotions that go along with anger are: Shame, sadness, fear, FRUSTRATION, guilt, disappointment, worry, embarrassment, jealousy, hurt, and anxiety.
Let’s play a game! I will present some scenarios of conflicts and as a class you figure out what emotions along with anger the characters might be feeling.
A 7th grade girl, Carolina, is checking out her Facebook newsfeed when she sees a picture of herself that was posted by her best friend. The picture is unflattering and has a caption that says, “I’m fake.” Several classmates have posted other rude and hurtful statements. What emotions along with anger might Carolina be feeling? What should she do?
Several boys are playing two hand touch football before school Several boys are playing two hand touch football before school. One of the boys, Jarred, is really rowdy and starts tackling, Luis. Luis and Jarred have had a problem with each other from the year before when Jarred called Luis stupid in class. Luis is angry about the tackle and punches Luis in the stomach. They boys start to fight. What emotions, along with anger do the boys feel? What should they do?
Two students Jackie and Joel have been close friends for a few years Two students Jackie and Joel have been close friends for a few years. Other students have been teasing them and calling them love birds. They are really just friends but Joel gets so upset by these rumors that he stops hanging out with Jackie and even calls her some unkind names. Jackie is so angry that her friend has turned against her that she starts a rumor that he told her that he’s gay. What other feelings besides anger might Joel and Jackie be feeling? What should they do?
Next time we will discuss, in more detail what to do when you find yourself in the middle of a conflict.