Isaiah 57: 18-19 18 “I have seen how they acted, but I will heal them; I will lead them and help them, 19 and I will comfort those who mourn. I offer peace to all, both near and far! I will heal my people.”
5 Promises 1.) If You Are Hurting, God says, “I Will Heal You.”
5 Promises 2.) If You Are Confused, God says, “I Will Lead You.”
5 Promises 3.) If You Feel Helpless, God says, “I Will Help You.”
5 Promises 4.) If You Feel Alone, God says, “I Will Comfort You.”
5 Promises 5.) If You Feel Anxious and Afraid, God says, “I Will Offer Peace To You.”
The Healing Model of Jesus
We Are To Be Healed Healers!
We Do Not Change Or Get Well By Ourselves!
“Life’s Healing Choices” A Transformational 8-Week Sermon Series & Bible Study Sermon Series Starts on Jan. 23 DVD-Based Bible Study: Monday Nights, Starting Jan. 24 6:00 P.M. - In the Sanctuary Please Invite Loved Ones to Come and Learn How to Be Set Free From Life’s Hurts, Hang-ups, and Habits
Hopeful Outcomes of Series: 1.) “I’ve been living with shame or guilt from my past, and now I don’t have to carry around that pain anymore!”
Hopeful Outcomes of Series: 2.) “I’ve been trapped in a habit or hang-up that is messing up my life, and now I can be free from its hold on me!”
Hopeful Outcomes of Series: 3.) “I’ve always been anxious and worried about what may happen tomorrow, and now I can face my future with peace and confidence.”