Asia Cultural Geography
Religion Some religions that are found in Asia are: A. Buddhism E. Shintoism F. Islam B. Hinduism G. Christianity C. Confucianism D. Taoism
Taosim Taosim is a religion or philosophy that began in China around 500 - 400 B.C. Tradition says that Taoism is based on the teachings of Laozi. The Tao Te Ching is a collection of Laozi’s teachings.
Taoism The Tao is called the Great Mother Empty yet inexhaustible, It gives birth to infinite worlds. It is always present within you. You can use it any way you want.
Yin Yang Symbol
Confuciansim Confucianism is a philosophy that began in China around 500 - 400 B.C. It is based on the teachings of Confucius. Confucianism is concerned mainly with social organization. It emphasizes respect for elders and education.
Shintoism Shintoism is a native religion of Japan. Shintos worship kami (spirits). Sometimes kami live in specific places such as rivers, mountains, and lakes, and sometimes they are major natural objects such as the sun or moon.
Small Shinto Shrine
Tanuki - A Japanese Racoon Spirit
Tanuki Road Sign
Respect for Ancestors Many Asian cultures venerate and even worship ancestors. This belief has been incorporated into Asian religions and belief systems.
Dynasty System Throughout China’s history, dynasties were established. Dynasties are very similar to ruling families, and were in control until they were overthrown by local lords or even outside interference. Mandate of Heaven – Belief that dynasties had this, the approval of the God’s and Goddesses.
Famous Dynasties Shang Dynasty 1. First ruling dynasty with historical records Zhou Dynasty 1. Spread of Chinese culture and trade 2. Era of Kongfuzi (Confucius) 3. Era of Laozi (Daoism) Qin Dynasty 1. Built Great Wall of China
1. Expanded Chinese culture to all of East Asia Famous Dynasties Han Dynasty 1. Expanded Chinese culture to all of East Asia Tang Dynasty 1. Had the largest metropolis in the world Ming Dynasty 1. Zheng He, a naval explorer reached East Africa Qing Dynasty 1. Last dynasty of China in early 1900’s
Feudal Japan
Founded the Kamakura Shogunate: 1185-1333 Minamoto Yoritomo Founded the Kamakura Shogunate: 1185-1333
The emperor reigned, but did not always rule! Feudal Society
Feudalism A political, economic, and social system based on loyalty, the holding of land, and military service. Japan: Shogun Land - Shoen Loyalty Land - Shoen Daimyo Daimyo Loyalty Samurai Samurai Samurai Food Protection Peasant Peasant Peasant Peasant
Code of Bushido Rectitude Courage Benevolence Respect Honesty Honor Loyalty
Seppuku: Ritual Suicide It is honorable to die in this way. Kaishaku – his “seconds”
Full Samurai Attire
Samurai Sword
Early Mounted Samurai Warriors
Underpinnings: Basic Steps in Self Defense A COTTON BREECH CLOUT that extended up over the chest was the basic undergarment of a samurai’s costume A SHORT SLEEVED KIMONO, or “armor robe,” was tied snugly at the waist with a special knot (lower right)
BILLOWING PANTALOONS,worn over the armor robe, fitted loosely in the legs to allow freedom of movement AN EXQUISITE BROCADE, richly worked with a design of peonies, was one of the extravagant materials used in an armor robe that may have been made for a 14th Century imperial prince STURDY SHINGUARDS of cloth or leather were reinforced with strips of iron to give protection from the front
Samurai Charging
Modern-Day “Samurai Warriors”
Feudalism A political, economic, and social system based on loyalty, the holding of land, and military service. Europe: King Land - Fief Loyalty Land - Fief Lord Lord Loyalty Knight Knight Knight Food Protection Peasant Peasant Peasant Peasant
Code of Chivalry Justice Loyalty Defense Courage Faith Humility Nobility
Medieval Warriors vs. European knight Samurai Warrior
Medieval Warriors vs. Knight’s Armor Samurai Armor