ROUND UP SO FAR… 105 students placed (currently ahead of last year’s target)
ROUND UP SO FAR… 300 students provided with advice on CV, cover letter, interview skills Some student feedback includes: I always felt like I could drop in and receive help when I wanted to Continue with the constant email support and continue to be so easily accessible to students. You’re so helpful. Keep up the excellent response rate, they were always quick to reply and it felt like their replies were genuine and tailored to your need and not just standardised or templated. Continue putting on the sessions, being pro-active, treating each person as an individual and having the keenness to help.
ROUND UP SO FAR… Placement talks/workshops/fast-track interviews/mock assessment centres delivered by: Computacenter IBM Enterprise Rent a Car KPMG FDM Group Hewlett Packard Enterprise House of Hud New workshops organised, including: How to use LinkedIn Shut Up & Write Your Application! Accept or Reject? Confidence building through Comedy Placement Support Pop Up Psychometric Testing
MOVING FORWARD… The Placements Office will be: Rebranding as the “Brighton Business School Employability Hub” Relocating to a new office Using a new online portal to advertise placements/match placements to students Exploring ideas to help develop flexibility in placement options Driving early engagement by working with 1st year students
A FLAVOUR OF THINGS TO COME… Events for next year: Speed meetings with employers Company presentations Placements Fair (October/November) SME Placements Fair (February) Placements Office Open Day LinkedIn sessions offering photoshoots Continuing with events held this year
A FLAVOUR OF THINGS TO COME… New Peer Assisted Placement Support (PAPS) scheme: Returning placement students invited to become PAPS mentors Applicants must apply and attend an interview Successful applicants will attend training session delivered by colleague from Bournemouth University PAPS mentors will be assigned small groups of 2nd years to help with job hunting, attending events, making applications, interview practice PAPS mentor profiles/bios to be displayed outside new office
A FLAVOUR OF THINGS TO COME… Involving Business School colleagues: CV Training Steve Agace from Graduate Recruitment Bureau will deliver a session on the “ideal placement/graduate CV” on Friday 8th September at 11am (room 153) All those offering CV/cover letter advice to students to attend Academic Supervisor Training Virginia, Julie and Linda will lead a session on best practice and what is expected of academic supervisors on Thursday 21st September at 11am (room 153) All academic supervisors to attend