-Atomic Number   N   -Element Symbol -Atomic Mass Number


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Presentation transcript:

-Atomic Number 7   N   14.0067 -Element Symbol -Atomic Mass Number In neutral atom the number of protons = the number of electrons

To find the number of neutrons in an atom you – 1. Round the bottom number to the nearest whole number 2. Subtract the atomic number from the atomic mass number. (You will always subtract the smaller number on top from the larger bottom number)

Calculating Neutrons 11H = 1 - 1 = 0 neutrons 1123Na = 23 - 11 = 12 neutrons 23 (protons and neutrons) - 11 just protons 12 neutrons

Element Number of Protons Mass Number Number of electrons Atomic Number Number of Neutrons Hydrogen 1 Helium Carbon Nitrogen Oxygen Cobalt Copper Iron Uranium Krypton

Properties of Subatomic Particles Symbols Relative Electric Charge Mass Number Relative Mass (AMU) Actual Mass (Kg) Electron e--- , 0--1 e -- 1 0.000 5486 9.109 x 10--3 Proton p+ 11H +1 1 1.007 276 1.673 x 10-- 27 Neutron N0 , o1n 1.008 665 1.675 x 10--27

Remember— Protons are Positive Electrons are negative Neutrons are neutral

29 Cu 63.55 -Atomic Number = number of protons -Element Symbol -Atomic Mass Number= number of protons PLUS neutrons Isotopes are atoms that have the same number of protons as another atom but have different number of NEUTRONS

Isotopes are atoms that have the same number of protons as another atom but have different number of NEUTRONS

Uses of Isotopes Medical tracers- Tc (43) used in bone scans Carbon-14 “radioactive carbon dating” to estimate age of very old stuff.