Thawatchai Piyawat Jantawan Noiwan Anthony F. Norcio Usability Testing of BlogExpress: Blog Reader Software as a Knowledge Management Tool Thawatchai Piyawat Jantawan Noiwan Anthony F. Norcio HCI International 2005 22-27 July 2005 Las Vegas, Nevada USA
Agenda Related Work BlogExpress Usability Testing Plan Findings Recommendations
Related Work Weblog or blog RSS feed A written collection of personal opinions formatted like a reversed diary or journal. RSS feed RSS stands for Rich Site Summary or Really Simple Syndication. An XML file contains a short version of new contents of a Web site. Use an RSS reader (or a blog reader) to retrieve the updated feeds and read the new contents.
Related Work (Cont’) KM Processes Blogs as KM Tools 1. Creating knowledge Writing blogs to express knowledge 2. Capturing knowledge Reading blog contents and mining knowledge from blog archives 3. Refining knowledge Categorizing blogs and mapping blog relevancy 4. Storing knowledge Archiving blogs as knowledge repository 5. Managing knowledge Arranging blog contents into categories and a chronological order 6. Disseminating knowledge Posting personal or professional blogs in offline and online media and referring to blog contents of others
BlogExpress Free Blog reader software Download at
BlogExpress (Cont’) Interface initiatives Two panes Web tab Single subscription dialog Readability comes first
Usability Testing Plan User Profile Five senior students (one male and four females) Ages are in the range of 21 to 22 Speak Thai as their native language Have a moderate ability in reading English. Internet and computer expert users Have basic understandings of HCI and blogs
Usability Testing Plan (Cont’) Procedures Fill out a pre-test questionnaire Be given a brief description of the test Test the software individually Fill out the post-task questionnaire, after completing each task Fill out the post-test questionnaire Get interviewed
Usability Testing Plan (Cont’) Scenario Testing Design Scenario 1: First impression (allocated time: 3 minutes) Scenario 2: New subscription (allocated time: 5 minutes) Scenario 3: Blog reading (allocated time: 3 minutes) Scenario 4: New subscription by drag-and-drop approach (allocated time: 5 minutes) Scenario 5: Feed synchronizing and catching up (allocated time: 3 minutes)
Findings Timing results Usability problems Post-test Feedback Summary Comment Summary
Findings - Timing results On average, participants spend 14.66 minutes in completing all five scenarios. In the scenario 4, two participants needed more extra time to finish the tasks.
Findings - Usability problems Five problems are imperative to fix unable to drag the RSS link and drop onto the subscription icon. didn't read the whole description of an icon. Eight problems are important to fix unsure if the two icons for new Web tab have similar functions. unsure the functionality of the donation icon. Six problems are minor expected to have the left pane in every Web tab. expected to be able to sort feed items by titles.
Findings - Post-test Feedback Summary Totally agree Agree Neutral Easy to use 1 3 Eye pleasing 4 Easy to learn 2 Easy to remember its functions. Text is easy to read. Layout of text is clear. Graphics are clear. 5
Findings - Comment Summary Visibility of System Status “the "New" indicator is great one. I know immediately that I have new feeds to read.” Match between System and the Real World “Imitating Internet Explorer look-and-feel helps me get used to with this software faster” and “Icons are nicely designed but some are meaningless…” User Control and Freedom “hotkeys and right-click menus are really helpful.” “I really have no idea where I should drop this link over… Consistency and Standards “The current theme is readable, but it will be more fun if I can choose themes.” Aesthetic and Minimalist Design “I think it is light on features. However, I love its simplicity. I think it's very easy to use”
Recommendations Redesign some graphics and provide mouse-over short descriptions, Provide some personalization features e.g. enable skinnable interface, provide various ways in sorting blog items and blog titles, Include search capabilities, Allow external browser selection, Enable performing other tasks while synchronizing subscribed blogs, Notify users when BlogExpress is minimized to the system tray, Provide a built-in help or a user manual, Enable the tree-view pane on the left side on every Web tab, Archive feed items, and integrate blog writing capabilities