Meet Your Brand Hero(ine) + The Miraculous Wealth Marketing System Consistent money comes with consistent marketing. If money isn’t flowing with ease, then it’s time for a new approach. Week 2 is all about gaining a deep understanding of who your “brand hero/heroine” (ideal client) really is, and the best message + method to capture their attention in a crowded online space.
Brand Hero, Target Market, Ideal Client. Your ideal client or target market is a clearly defined person you desire to serve and work with. You identify them so you can craft a specific marketing message and then create products and services they desire to buy. The Brand Hero is the next level. You are “The Brand Mentor” and you take your “Brand Hero” on the Hero’s Journey. With your mentorship they breakthrough obstacles and achieve a specific result like personal empowerment, wealth, freedom. In addition to that specific result they also become the best version of themselves possible through your product or service, undergo inner transformation, and become valuable contributors to their own communities.
Your brand hero is someone who is pursuing her own greatness and is willing to make sacrifices to do it. This eliminates the whole “I can’t pay for it,” “It’s not the right time,” conversation as well as people who just aren’t willing to do the work once they are in your program.
He or she has had failed attempts in the past and looking for the right person, place or program to inspire them through their struggles into the next level of personal mastery.
One of the Divine Living Brand Heroes is the “Unlikely Queen” and I relate to her through my personal story of struggle to success as well as my signature Queen Esther story.
In your membership area you have access to “Getting to Know Your Brand Hero” and you will be working on that for next week. This may be different than your “Ideal Client” or “Target Market” if you’ve done that work before so make sure to go through the process as if it was your first time.
And how do you stand out in an overcrowded marketplace? What is the best message from you to your brand hero to inspire them to work with you? And how do you stand out in an overcrowded marketplace?
~ John Powers, “Father of Modern Creative Advertising” It has to be true! “The first thing one must do to succeed in advertising is to have the attention of the reader. That means to be interesting. The next thing is to stick to the truth, and that means rectifying whatever is wrong in the merchant’s business. If the truth isn’t tellable, fix it so it is. That’s about all there is to it.” ~ John Powers, “Father of Modern Creative Advertising”
Which statement is more compelling? It has to be personal. The more personal your message, the more universal it becomes. Add details and avoid being generic. I love making money so I can travel the world. I love making money so I can enjoy my luxury beachfront home in Santa Barbara, travel the world and coach my clients who live in over 31 countries including Dubai, Qatar, and Paris, all while enjoying the company of my beloved husband. Which statement is more compelling?
Your message must inspire your brand hero to their own personal mastery!
The Academy is not a “Coaching Certification.” Your message must focus on the transformative results and not the WHAT. The Academy is not a “Coaching Certification.” It’s a program that will allow each woman participant to shine in their visibility, to learn how to make more money than she’s ever made, uplevel her wealth consciousness, lead her own community, have impact and purpose in her work, and become the Queen of her own life.
Your message must be deeply rooted in your core values and your WHY Your message must be deeply rooted in your core values and your WHY. If your business is purpose driven but that is not at the forefront of your marketing message you will miss a lot of people who resonate with your core values.
So what’s the best method?
Telling stories. Why? Because there are thousands of women offering the same service as you but there is only 1 of you. People will be more attracted to who you are then what you do. We launched the first Academy on this premise and have the data to back up that people signed up for it because of who I am, not because of what the Academy is.
~ Winning the Story Wars “Human beings share stories to remind each other of who they are and how they should act. These tales are deeply engrained in our DNA, and no matter where or when you were born, certain patterns of stories will influence you enormously. When we hear stories based on these patterns, we feel like we’re remembering something forgotten then learning something new” ~ Winning the Story Wars
So what this looks like “in the masculine” is… Putting your stories in a memorable sequence that inspires the person to be their greatest EVEN IF THEY DON’T BUY. So what this looks like “in the masculine” is…
Content + traffic + optin page + a story-based follow up email sequence + live call or webinar sequence + sales page + order form + program delivery There are many versions of this sequence, this is the one I have used to sell out 400 high end programs in 9 months with my own email list and Facebook Ads.
Refer to our Miraculous Wealth Marketing Manual to see exactly how we did this and start creating your own!
For traffic we are going to teach you our best Facebook Ad strategies but there are many other places where you can buy traffic such as LinkedIn, Google, Twitter and even Pinterest. These strategies can be carried over to other platforms because they are based on universal principles of what works in marketing and are not dependent on the ever-changing technological landscape in our industry.
Introduction to the Hero’s Journey Handouts for Module 2: Introduction to the Hero’s Journey Determining Your Brand Hero Brand Hero Interview Checklist Compelling Story Elements for Content and Copy Module 2 Homework