NDIS Understanding Workshops Workshop 3 NDIS Planning and standing strong NDIS workshops brought to you by 1
PART 1 Introduction 2
Workshop accessibility Please feel free to provide us feedback on our accessibility - in person, or via: Email: disabilityloop@afdo.org.au Phone: 1800 219 969 (toll free) or (03) 9662 3324 Post: Australian Federation of Disability Organisations (AFDO) Level 2, 247 – 251 Flinders Lane Melbourne, VIC 3000 3
About me Tricia Malowney Consultant Australian Federation of Disability Organisations (AFDO) 4
Workshop protocols and style Please put your phone on silent, or turn it off There are no silly questions Share as much or little as is comfortable Do you have a nametag and Attendee Handbook? 5
Train the Trainer This workshop will prepare you to present information effectively, respond to participant questions and run activities. The Direct Training workshops you will run are intended for people with disability as well as families. 6
Workshop outline Part 1 40 minutes Introduction Part 2 20 minutes NDIS Planning in detail Part 3 15 minutes Standing Strong During the Planning Process Break 30 minutes Part 4 1 hour, 15 minutes - continued 7
Australian Federation of Disability Organisations (AFDO) AFDO is a peak body AFDO represents the interests of people with a disability Members are run and operated by people with a disability and their families AFDO educates the public about the issues faced by people with a disability on a day to day basis 8
Disability Loop is a group of resources about the NDIS. Disability Loop’s information is up-to-date, easy to find and easy to use. We always use plain language, to help you make sense of it all www.disabilityloop.org.au To stay in the loop you can also follow us on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube Talk about SDF project … 9
Find additional information: Fact sheet All about AFDO and Disability Loop 10
National Disability Insurance Scheme Why was the NDIS needed? Support is hard to get or not available at all What support is available changes depending on where you live Very little or no choice 11
National Disability Insurance Scheme Chronic disempowerment 12
National Disability Insurance Scheme What problems does the NDIS solve? Unfair Fragmented Underfunded 13
National Disability Insurance Scheme Why is the NDIS very different? Fixing the unfairness Repairing the underfunding Correcting the fragmentation 14
Find additional information: Fact sheet What is the NDIS? 15
NDIS Planning in detail PART 2 NDIS Planning in detail 16
NDIS Planning process – stage by stage 17
Find additional information: Workshop How does the NDIS work? This was cut – may put back in later: Webinar NDIS Access process Participant Handbook NDIS Planning and standing strong 18
2. Planning Conversation Becoming an NDIS Participant The three stages of NDIS Planning 1. Getting Plan Ready 2. Planning Conversation 3. Your NDIS Plan 19
Planning stage 1: Getting Plan Ready Getting Plan Ready for an NDIS First Plan The NDIS First Plan meeting Getting Plan Ready for next and future NDIS Plans 20
The Participant Statement Planning stage 1: Getting Plan Ready Double check image is correct 21
The Participant Statement Planning stage 1: Getting Plan Ready Double check image is correct 22
Getting Plan Ready and Plan Management Planning stage 1: Getting Plan Ready Think about how you want to do the Plan Management duties during the Getting Plan Ready process 23
Planning stage 2: The Planning Conversation What is the Planning Conversation? 24
Planning stage 2: The Planning Conversation The Planning Conversation (NDIS First Plan) 25
Planning stage 2: The Planning Conversation The Planning Conversation (for next and future NDIS Plans) 26
Planning Stage 3: NDIS Plans (Individualised Funding Packages) What are NDIS Plans? 27
Standing strong during the NDIS Planning process PART 3 Standing strong during the NDIS Planning process 28
Chronic disempowerment can affect planning Why standing strong? Chronic disempowerment can affect planning 29
What does standing strong mean? Why standing strong? What does standing strong mean? 30
Question time: What does standing strong in relation to NDIS Planning mean to me? Get them from the direct training handbook 32
What does standing strong in relation to NDIS Planning mean to me? Not being pushed around, taking charge Setting my own goals, making my own decisions Working out what supports I need to help me speak for myself Knowing how to be empowered to have your needs met by the NDIS, instead of you trying to meet the needs of the NDIS Feeling confident Understanding that planners and service providers may have other interests, agendas and targets 34
Standing strong during the NDIS Planning process - continued PART 4 Standing strong during the NDIS Planning process - continued 36
The building blocks of standing strong The importance of quality information 37
The building blocks of standing strong The value of independent information 38
The building blocks of standing strong The value of accessible information 39
The building blocks of standing strong Dignity of risk 40
The building blocks of standing strong Understanding conflict of interest Alt text when image is final Mickey mouse easter bunny etc flat 41
Find additional information: Example Conflict of interest 42
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The building blocks of standing strong Potential conflict of interest issues with service providers Alt text when image is final Ask carl for opinion on building for sps 44
The building blocks of standing strong Potential conflict of interest issues within families Alt text when image is final 45
Question time: What happens when your goals are different from the goals of your parents? What happens if a service provider strongly encourages a person with disability to include their services in an NDIS Plan, which makes them feel pressured to accept the services offered? 46
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Can you think of specific conflict of interest or dignity of risk issues that might come up in the NDIS Planning process? Service providers who help with planning may have conflict of interest Service providers and families could make assumptions about capacity Families might try to keep the person too safe, avoiding dignity of risk Service providers helping with planning could encourage you to buy services from them instead of trying new things Families may disagree and discourage you getting things you want for yourself Worried you’ll make ‘bad’ decisions 48
Standing strong: Getting Plan Ready Should we say ‘ordinary’ life? 49
Standing strong: Getting Plan Ready Gathering evidence for the NDIS First Plan meeting 50
Standing strong: Getting Plan Ready List all your supports 51
Standing strong: Getting Plan Ready Measure all your supports 52
Plan Management options: what skills do I need? Standing strong: Getting Plan Ready Plan Management options: what skills do I need? 53
Find additional information: NDIS Understanding workshop 5 Plan Management explained 54
Thinking about a good life for next NDIS Plans Standing strong: Getting Plan Ready Thinking about a good life for next NDIS Plans Add an extra person 55
What skills and experiences are needed to reach my goals? Standing strong: Getting Plan Ready What skills and experiences are needed to reach my goals? 56
Standing strong: the Planning Conversation Can you and should you bring somebody to meetings like the Planning Conversation? CM’s notes say “fair/unfair”? I cant remember what that means - JC 57
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Question time: Can you think of some pros and cons for the five planning support options? Group 1 – Families/parents Group 2 – Advocates Group 3 – Friends Group 4 – By yourself Group 5 – Support workers 59
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See the pages at the end of your Attendee Handbook Can you think of some pros and cons for the five planning support options? See the pages at the end of your Attendee Handbook 61
Standing strong: The Planning Conversation No right answer 62
Standing strong: The Planning Conversation Meeting with the NDIS representative CM’s notes say “fair/unfair”? I cant remember what that means - JC 63
Find additional information: Fact sheet The growth of the NDIS 64
Standing strong: The Planning Conversation Understanding what reasonable and necessary means 65
Find additional information: NDIS Understanding workshop 2 Reasonable and necessary 66
Standing strong: The Planning Conversation Choose your Plan Management method 67
Find additional information: NDIS Understanding workshop 5 Plan Management explained NDIS Understanding workshop 6 Is self-management for me? 68
Standing strong: The Planning Conversation Plan Management and conflict of interest Image circled in the notes. Cant remember why 69
Standing strong: NDIS Plans (Individualised Funding Package) 70
Standing strong: NDIS Plans (Individualised Funding Package) What if you are not happy with your NDIS Plan? Should we avoid thumbs up? 71
Workshop review 72
Evaluations What is something you have learnt? What have you found most valuable? What do you think could be improved? What is something you will take away? 73
Workshop review Best outcome of the NDIS Planning process 74
Workshop review What are the common elements of a good NDIS Plan? 75
Thank you for participating! Remember to visit www.disabilityloop.org.au www.afdo.org.au NDIS workshops brought to you by 76