Figurative Language Definitions Figurative Language Examples Mango Street Jeopardy Figurative Language Definitions Brushstrokes Definitions Figurative Language Examples Character Details Brushstroke Examples 10 20 30 40 50
To compare two things using like or as? Category 1 - 10
Reference to a famous person place, event, or literature? Category 1 - 20
Repetition of consonant sounds at the beginning of words?
Words that imitate sounds
Compare two things without like or as?
Looks like a verb, but acts like an adjective and ends in (ing) or (ed)?
Noun plus a participle-usually at the beginning of a sentence?
Describing words that follow a noun?
A noun that renames another noun?
When the motorcycle rode by, it yelled and screamed at the kids to move out of the way?
Shows action in a sentence-not in the passive voice?
The couch was a cup, holding all of the kids watching the movie.
When we arrived, the lights on the roller coasters shined bright red and yellow, and the clown with big blue balloons greeted everyone at the gate.
The hotel room was as cold as ice because the air conditioner had been running for hours.
Her hair reminded me of Rapunzel because it was so very long.
Esperanza’s younger sister?
One of Esperanza’s sassiest friends and a neighbor?
The narrator of the story?
She attends college and sees mice when she studies!
She wears make up at school but takes it off when she gets home so her dad does not get mad at her?
Splashing and laughing, the children played in the kiddie pool in the backyard.
All of the cars, shiny, blue, and new, just arrived at the lot for customers to buy.
The kitchen smelled of cinnamon and cloves while we sat and ate apple pie, rich and buttery.
Celebrating, the students cheered when the principal announced school was ending early.
The kittens, insane demons, hardly ever sleep.