2000 – 2011 By Primary 1
2000 - 2011
Millennium Celebrations There was a millennium in the year 2000. There is a millennium once every 1000 years.
Twin Towers Attacked The twin towers were attacked on the 9th of November 2001.
Twin Towers We like to remember them the way they were or when the two lights were shining in their place.
First black American President Barak Obama became President of America the 20th of January 2009.
King of Pop dies Michael Jackson died on the 25th of June 2009. The King of Pop will always be remembered for his brilliant music!
The Pope Visits Scotland A very special event happened in Scotland. Pope Benedict xvi came to visit us in 2010!
Prince William gets married In 2011, Prince William married Catherine Middleton. We all watched on television as we got the day off school!