Jack McGovern VP Activities BRING IT ON! Jack McGovern VP Activities
What did you ask for when I was Campaigning? (SOCIETIES) Increased Media Coverage Support and Guidance for hosting events & gaining members Society Spotlight Increase the number of Academic Societies SU Forums
So what am I doing about it?
Increase Media Coverage Working closely with Clare in the SU I have created a brand new Student Media Team So far we have had 45 people register interest with 20 people having completed the relevant paperwork £160 sponsorship gained, applied for a £5,000 discovery grant from Santander What do I want them to do for your sport? Photographs Videos Written articles Society Spotlight Interviews
Support and Guidance for hosting events & gaining members Have started on an information booklet that will be produced by events management students The booklet will include top tips and advice on how to hold successful events and how to promote your society as best as you can The booklet will contain further information on how to boost membership and retain those members throughout the year
Society Spotlight Each week a society will be given extensive media coverage from the SU displaying what their society is all about and what you get up to on a weekly basis Throughout the week non-members that may have missed you during Societies fair will be encouraged to get involved in your activities and meetings again helping you to boost membership throughout the year and not just during fresher’s or re-fresher’s
Increase the number of Academic Societies The SU and the University have been working very close to increase the number of academic societies that we have Similar to UoC Psychology we want your academic course to encourage the creation of a society in order to increase social activity whilst providing any extra help that you may need on your course
SU Forums & The 47 Club
IT HAS STARTED Any Questions?