Life in Ancient Greece and Greek Theater
Life in Ancient Sparta Located in Southern Greece Spartans conquered people and made them slaves called Helots To control conquered peoples they set up a brutal system of government
Military State Helots outnumbered Spartans Spartans created military state to keep them in line When a baby was born soldiers came to check it If unhealthy it was taken as a slave or left to die on a hillside
Boys - Men Boys left parents at age 7 to begin military training lasted 13 years lived in barracks if they disobeyed whipped in front of parents Taught athletics as well At age 20 they became soldiers Men also lived in barracks Married but didn’t live with wife At age 30 soldiers were allowed to live with wife Military service ended at age 60 Soldiers were also given land that was farmed by helots
Spartan Girls - Women Infant girls exposed to death if weak Went to school at age 6 or 7, also live in a barracks Educated in gymnastics and physical training Taught that lives were dedicated to Sparta Main objective was to be strong to produce strong offspring Required to stay inside Allowed to move about At age 18 passed fitness test & assigned a husband Had freedom from husband because they didn’t live with them
Athenian beliefs Located in Attica A limited democracy Evolved from a monarchy to a aristocracy Around 700 B.C. – 507 B.C. Democratic reforms were instituted Only males could participate in the government Athenians males were educated in reading, writing, poetry, military training, and rhetoric
Athenian Girls - Women Learned to read Learned important household skills Learned mythology, religion and musical instruments Spent most of their time in household with other women Left house only for religious purposes Married in their teens Marriage was arranged Could not own property Had few rights Not allowed to watch Olympic games Could divorce Participated in all religious ceremonies Had to obey husband Poorer women worked
Athenian Boys - Men Taught at home until 6 or 7 Went to school from age 7-14 Learned Homeric poetry and musical instruments, public speaking, reading, writing, math, science and government At 18 attended military school Activities included politics, arts, crafts, agriculture, trade Knew how to hunt and horseback ride Always be courteous Participated in government and military
Greek Mythology WHAT IS A MYTH? A myth is a traditional story whose author is unknown. It has its roots in the primitive folk-beliefs of cultures and uses the supernatural to interpret natural events and to explain a culture's view of the universe and the nature of humanity.
Greek Gods and Goddesses Greek gods and Goddeses
Olympic Games
Olympic Games Began in 700 B.C. in a town called Olympian south-western Greece Were in honor of the Greek God Zues Women not allowed to watch( probably because men were naked or wore thongs lasted for 5 days First day spent sacrificing to the gods
Boxing Wrestling Pancraatium – both boxing and wrestling combined Horse-racing Pentathlon- sprinting, long-jump, javelin-hurling, discus-throwing, wrestling
Famous Playwrights Most plays are based on myths or legends Discussed moral and social issues or explored relationship between men and gods Two types of plays were written: Tragedy Comedy
Playwright Sophocles- Antigone explored what happens when an individual’s moral duty conflicts with the laws of the state.