Phase-encoded velocity mapping Phase-encoded velocity mapping. The top panels are an example of through plane phase-encoded velocity mapping through the aortic valve (Ao), where velocity is measured into and out of the plane of the image and flow can be measured. The left upper panel is the anatomic (magnitude) image, and the right upper image is the phase image where the velocity is measured. Directionality is coded as white toward the head and black toward the feet; note how in the right phase image, the Ao velocities are white (blood flow toward the head), whereas the descending aortic (DAo) velocities are black. The lower panels are an example of in-plane phase-encoded velocity mapping across the right ventricular outflow tract (RVOT) in the patient in Figures 2-32 and 2-33. The left panel is the anatomic image for orientation, whereas the middle and right panels are phase images at midsystole (middle, MS) and early diastole (right, Early D). As in the through-plane example, directionality is coded as white toward the head and black toward the feet. Note the white flow through the RVOT (arrow) in MS and the pulmonary insufficiency (arrow) jet toward the feet into the right ventricle (RV) in Early D. Source: Chapter 2. Cardiac Testing, Pediatric Practice: Cardiology Citation: Gleason M, Rychik J, Shaddy R. Pediatric Practice: Cardiology; 2012 Available at: Accessed: November 13, 2017 Copyright © 2017 McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved