Pupil Voice Last month the pupils of Ayton Primary were asked to give their opinions of the school. They answered 4 questions. We have looked through the responses and have picked out the most popular responses to each of the questions.
What we think is going well about our school Teachers , Friday brunch , good amount of time between break and lunch, everyone is included in activities in assembly, kind people , it is safe , we are getting the right amount of work that we need, we are getting the right difficulty of our work, maths, literacy, friends, co-operation, lunch, golden time,
What needs to change Friday no uniform, new toys, start at nine am and finish at three pm, classrooms more colourful, obstacle course, class pet, P7 trips to the high school, more time at break, new computers, not as much pressure, more books in the library, park at break and lunch, less homework, climbing frame in the playground, more art, more factual books, more time to eat our lunch.
What we feel the school is doing well
What we would like to change?
How to support our learning The 3 main areas identified by pupils to help support our learning were: More art resources were needed More dictionaries and thesauruses Greater access to ICT resources The overall trend was that we wanted more resources to help with our learning.
Clubs we want