Empowering institutions to thrive through equality Introductions Safe space for discussions, learning and questions diversity@soton.ac.uk www.southampton.ac.uk/diversity August 2016 / @louise_gw
Thriving through equality The Big Conversation – Unconscious bias The power of diverse role models Action speak louder than words Having the brave conversations Diversity in the workplace Influencing change
“Unconscious bias refers to biases that influence our thoughts and behaviours without our awareness. These biases can influence our decision making automatically and are often triggered by our brain making quick judgments and assessments of people and situations, without all of the relevant information and instead are informed by our background, cultural environment and personal experiences.”
There are two primary choices in life: to accept conditions as they exist, or accept the responsibility for changing them. - Dr. Denis Waitley
diversity@soton.ac.uk www.southampton.ac.uk/diversity Thank you Introductions Safe space for discussions, learning and questions diversity@soton.ac.uk www.southampton.ac.uk/diversity @louise_gw