Using the pictures, can you guess in pairs what our topic this lesson might be? Finished? What do you already know about this? What other subject might it link to? How? Need some help? Use the other clues below! W_____ C_____
What is the water cycle? Thursday, 02 August 2018 Apply the key processes of the water cycle to tell a story. (level 6) Link the key terms to describe the water cycle as a system. (level 5) Define the key terms associated with the water cycle. (level 4)
MIX PAIR SHARE You will walk around the room (sensibly). When I stop the music you will pair up with the person closest to you and shake hands. Not got a pair? Come to the front with your hand raised. You will then have 3 seconds think time and then 30 seconds each to share your answer. I will tell you who is going first. When you’ve listened to your partner’s answer, you will say ‘thank you for sharing’.
What do we use water for? List as many ways as you can. MIX PAIR SHARE What do we use water for? List as many ways as you can.
How can water produce electricity? (Hint: TGD) MIX PAIR SHARE How can water produce electricity? (Hint: TGD)
Who deserves water for free in their lives? Why? MIX PAIR SHARE Who deserves water for free in their lives? Why?
What is the water cycle? MIX PAIR SHARE Finished? Why do you think we need the water cycle? How do you rely on it each day?
What is the water cycle? THINK PAIR SHARE Finished? Why do you think we need the water cycle? How do you rely on it each day?
The water cycle… The water cycle is the process by which water moves from the sea to the air and then to the land. Air Land Sea
Precipitation Condensation Evaporation Groundwater flow Define the key terms associated with the water cycle (level 4) Precipitation 1. Rain, hail, sleet and snow that falls from the clouds Condensation 2. When water vapour cools and turns into clouds 3. When the sun heats up water from the leaves of trees. Evaporation Groundwater flow 4. When water flows through the rocks and soil underground. Surface run-off 5. When the water runs off the surface of the ground. 6. When the sun heats up water from the sea and it goes into the air. Transpiration Task: can you work out what key word goes which each different definition? Extension: Add in a small picture to help you remember their meanings.
Link the key terms to describe the water cycle as a system. (level 5)
Quick quiz: whiteboards ready! When rain, sleet or hail falls from the sky this is called…………… When water from the sea is heated up by the sun this is called………… Increasing in difficulty When water moves into the ground this is called……………… When water moves under the ground………………………… When water is evaporated from plants…………………………
Let’s see if we can take this a step further! THINK PAIR SHARE What part(s) of the cycle would be affected? If more trees were planted. Key words Evaporation Surface run-off Groundwater flow Transpiration If it was a hot sunny day. If the ground was really dry. If it rained heavily.
Danny the rain droplet Success Criteria! Apply the key processes of the water cycle to tell a story. (level 6) Danny the rain droplet Explain Danny’s journey from sea to air and land around the water cycle. In your story make sure you use some of the following key terms: Evaporation Transpiration Condensation Clouds Precipitation Surface water Ground water Success Criteria! Level 4: A brief story that mentions 1 or 2 key terms Level 5: More detailed story that uses at least 4 key terms and shows some understanding of them Level 6: A really well described story that uses all 6 key words and shows an excellent understanding of them. Level 7: Exceptional detail and explanation of paths taken by the raindrop. Descriptions show exceptional understanding of the water cycles key terms.
Level 4: A brief story that mentions 1 or 2 key terms Peer Assessment Level 4: A brief story that mentions 1 or 2 key terms WWW: EBI: Level: Level 5: More detailed story that uses at least 4 key terms and shows some understanding of them Level 6: A really well described story that uses all 6 key words and shows an excellent understanding of them. Level 7: Exceptional detail and explanation of paths taken by the raindrop. Descriptions show exceptional understanding of the water cycles key terms.