Commas cause the reader to pause and better understand the elements that make up the sentence.
Students often place commas throughout their papers as if they are sprinkling raisins on their oatmeal. Although you shouldn’t use a comma unless you know a rule for it, commas are necessary for others to understand what we have said, to “get it.” It is easy to know when someone has finished a sentence: we see a period there. It is not as easy to know where a writer’s thoughts are going inside a sentence.
1. Between the day and year in a date. 2 1. Between the day and year in a date. 2. After the opening and closing of a letter. 3. Between city and state 4. In a series of words, phrases, or clauses. 5. After an introductory word. 6. To set off a direct address. 7. Place a comma before a direct quotation. 8. Between independent clauses joined by a conjunction. 9. To set off appositives. 10. To separate an independent and dependent clause. 11. To separate coordinate adjectives.
When a date is written out, there needs to be a comma between the day and the year! , October 1st 2015 , December 25th 2015
, Dear John The opening of a letter needs to contain a comma! After the opening and closing of a letter. *A colon belongs after the opening of a business letter. The opening of a letter needs to contain a comma! , Dear John
, , They went to school in Roanoke Texas A comma needs to separate the city from the state! , They went to school in Roanoke Texas , Their wedding was in Wylie Texas.
, , , , , They had snow rain sleet and hail. When items are listed in a series, you should always separate them with a comma! , , , They had snow rain sleet and hail. , I was late because I had to feed the dog put up the dishes and do the laundry. ,
After an introductory word. Yes, I love my English class! Well, Megan is walking to school in the rain today. Furthermore, there is a mouse in our house!
When we speak to some one, we “address” them When we speak to some one, we “address” them. In grammar, when you address someone, you always use a comma! Lee, are those sounds coming from you? or Are those sounds coming from you, Lee? , Hello Sarah! , Mom can I spend the night with Shelli?
Punctuating Dialogue The teacher asked, “What’s everyone laughing about?” “I didn’t do it,” Lee said. She said, “Ooh, I get it”. She walked over to the closet, pulled out a can of Lysol, and sprayed.
Between independent clauses joined by a conjunction Stella loves to travel, and she plans to go back to Costa Rica. Serena was happy to take the boys to the parade, yet she had several errands to run before it started. Saylor and Daisy decided that playing in a castle would be exciting, so they packed their bags and headed to London.
Commas in Appositives , , Ms. Davis our principal will be right with you. , , Fluffy the dog who bites was adopted this morning.
To separate an independent and dependent clause. Place a comma to separate an independent and dependent clause Before going to the gym we packed our backpacks. ,
To separate an independent and dependent clause. Sometimes you look at a sentence and realize that the complete part of the sentence is after a short phrase that cannot stand alone. After she went to the mall, she went to the salon. You always need a comma after that beginning phrase or clause. , After the play was over we realized he broke his leg. , In the beginning she was the perfect student.
, …And sometimes you look at a sentence and realize there is a phrase at the END that cannot stand alone. We went home at 6:00pm, just before sunrise. You always need a comma before the phrase or clause that cannot stand alone. , I didn’t fall asleep until 11:00 because I couldn’t stop watching television.
Used to separate two adjectives when listed together After a long, tiring day at school, we went to Sonic! After a long-tiring day at school, we went to Sonic!