Who we are: Tom Dzmelyk Dan Wahlstrom Braden Richardson OPS System Who we are: Tom Dzmelyk Dan Wahlstrom Braden Richardson
Overview Activity List Assumptions User-Interface Information Sources Information Destination Verification of Problem Specification Questions Regarding Inconsistencies Resolution of Questions Use Case Diagram Questions?
User Activities Open New OPS Account Delete Account Edit Account Log In/Log Out Add/Delete Money Account Schedule/Remove Automatic Transaction Contest Transaction Request Transfer Request Account History
Admin Activities Delete/Edit Account Reverse Transfer Lock-Out User Account
OPS Activities Transfer Money Verify A Money Account Exists Communicate With Notifications Daemon Notifications Periodic Payments Overdraft Warning Monthly Account Statements
User Interface Assumptions Form based HTML application Text/hyperlink navigation
Information Assumptions Generic interface to user's financial organization User data verified with generic interface
Questions Regarding Inconsistencies What type of notification will account owners receive? Email and within application What is the OPS account in relation to an account owner's bank account? Think Paypal How long should transaction history be maintained? Permanently How will we manage scheduled transactions? Noon day of, or user designated Since this is web-based, how will we secure it? SSL What will happen to scheduled tasks/notifications upon account deletion? Deleted as well, notification to receiving party
Questions Regarding Inconsistencies continued Will notifications be generated with a scheduled task or triggered when users make transactions? Depends on notification, periodic payments and upcoming transactions are emailed, overdrafts are immediate Do we want a separate ID for each account in order to have further account security? Yes, user specifies an account login and password How will users authenticate? Login/password Can we merge notifications tasks into one task or process? No, notifications are dependent on the type—either scheduled or triggered
Use Case Diagram