As use of 619 data increases in state accountability systems, new and challenging issues for data sharing/governance arise particularly as these data are shared or integrated outside of special education. Keep up on screen while session is waiting to start.
619 Data Needs and Responsive Data Governance 2015 Leadership Conference “All In: Achieving Results Together” 619 Data Needs and Responsive Data Governance July 29, 2015
Today’s Presenters and Panelists State Panelists Maria Synodi, CT John Eisenberger, VA Samantha Hollins, VA Moderator/Facilitators Nancy Reder, NASDSE Denise Mauzy, DaSy Sharon Walsh, DaSy Presenter/Facilitator: Nancy Nancy has asked for short bios from each presenter.
Audience Polling Let’s see who is here today… Do you share 619 data with programs outside of your Department? Are the 619 data related to the SPP/APR in your Special Education data system? Nancy may ask where the data are and how they are collected if group needs additional prompts. Nancy—I took the detail out for the sub questions since the space is limited. You will have it in your notes below to prompt the audience. Let’s see who is here today… Share 619 data with programs outside of your Department? If not, do you plan to share data with programs outside your Department? Are the 619 data related to the SPP/APR in your Special Education data system? Early childhood outcomes data LRE for 3-5 FAPE at 3
Focus of the Session Today Ensuring necessary data are collected for preschool special education programming and policy Ensuring state data governance/management supports your efforts related to 619 and enables states to respond to critical questions in a timely manner to support program improvement Exploring the need for increased 619 involvement in Part B data sharing/governance processes
What is Data Governance? Both an organizational process and a structure It establishes responsibility for data, organizing program staff to collaboratively and continuously improve data quality through the systematic creation and enforcement of policies, roles, responsibilities, and procedures Need to make sure to make the link between this definition and the DaSy Framework on slide 9.
The DaSy Data System Framework was developed with OSEP funding The DaSy Data System Framework was developed with OSEP funding. It is a component of the Overall Systems Framework for Quality Part C and 619 state systems. The overall Systems framework also was developed with OSEP funding by the Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center (ECTA). There is an online self-assessment tool that states can access. Data Governance and Management is one of these subcomponents.
Data Governance and Management Focuses On… authority and accountability establishing the data governance and management structure(s), responsibility, and oversight. quality and integrity addressing policies to ensure validity, reliability, accuracy, consistency, and intended use of data. security and access protecting state data from loss, contamination, or unintended uses and ensuring appropriate access.
Formal vs. Informal Data Governance Data governance exists whether formal or informal.
Risks of Informal Data Governance Questionable data quality, security, and usefulness of data Difficulty in maintaining consistent and reliable data and processes Unclear roles and responsibilities of internal and external staff relative to the data Inappropriate data sharing within internal and external staff and across external agencies
Benefits of Formal Data Governance Increased likelihood that data are of high quality and protected Increased use of data in ways consistent with the purpose and vision of the data system Increased confidence in data and associated processes (e.g., oversight of analysis activities) Improved fiscal efficiency and accuracy Link these benefits to why 619 should be included
Panel Questions How do you currently or how do you plan to involve the 619 coordinator/program in your Part B data governance work to address your state’s data needs? Order for Response- Maria to go first as 619 Coordinator. Then John and Sam
CT Data Governance: Framework for Future Discussion Data Governance Committee Level 2 Decision-Making: Adding, Discontinuing, Indicators, Elements, Collections CAPSS CASBO CAS Data & Program Experts, Other IT, Data and Program Staff Level 1 Decision-Making: Validation, Quality Assurance, Training and TA, Edit Checks LEAs and Other Stakeholders Executive Level 3 Decision-Making: Commissioner Agency Chiefs Legislature
Audience Questions Is the 619 Coordinator involved? What roles do they/could they play? Nancy to ask the audience to chime in. The initial feedback from the intro and the scope of the discussion so far will determine the questions we ask.
Panel Question What organizational or state systemic challenges exist in your state that need to be addressed to meet the new and emerging data use needs for 619 and within the larger context of early childhood education (e.g., data sharing, ECIDS, SLDS)? Order of responses– John and Sam and then Maria
Audience Questions Are you currently exchanging data with another early childhood data system outside of your Department? Are you currently participating in your state early childhood integrated data system (ECIDS) or your state longitudinal data system (SLDS)? Are you planning to participate in your state ECIDS or SLDS?
Panel Questions How can your 619 data facilitate your SSIP work? How can increased use of 619 data contribute to the achievement of your state’s Part B SIMR? Order of responses- John and Sam and then Maria
Audience Questions Have you had any conversations in your state about how 619 data can contribute to the SSIP? If yes, please share an example. Are there other examples of how you can link your data back to 619 data? What methods or strategies are you using?
States’ Needs What kinds of help do you need to increase 619 participation in your data governance efforts? How can DaSy and NASDSE support your efforts related to 619 inclusion in data governance? Sharon or Denise— Mention that we will also pull in other TA centers as appropriate. Examples--- 619 Powerful Data Topical Cohort Learning Community Meetings between Department Leadership and 619 to help facilitate collaboration—mention topic cohort and 619 Data Gov topical meeting (mention our planned services first Targeted TA, cross state, webinar
Data Governance Related Resources DaSy Data System Framework Leading by Convening SLDS Resources
The contents of this presentation were developed under a grant from the U.S. Department of Education, #H373Z120002. However, those contents do not necessarily represent the policy of the U.S. Department of Education, and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government. Project Officers, Meredith Miceli and Richelle Davis.