STORE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM v01.00 LOGIN USER NAME PASSWORD SCAN BADGE or ENTER USER NAME AND PASSWORD GUI – Full Screen 1280x1024, ability to change resolution to 1024x768 and 800x600 (Norman , Open to Suggestions – Full Screen) Ability to Logon by methods of either Scanning Badges or Manually entering User Name and Password. If Logon is by the method of scanning, it should not ask for password but take the user directly to “Main Menu” Screen
STORE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM v01.00 MAIN MENU ELECTRICAL STORE ELECTRICAL MOTOR SHED SEARCH ALREADY ENTERED WORK ORDER MECHANICAL STORE MECHANICAL SHED Electrical Store Button – Upon Clicking, should take user to Requisition Screen Electrical Motor Shed Button - Upon Clicking, should take user to Requisition Screen Mechanical Store Button - Upon Clicking, should take user to Requisition Screen Mechanical Shed - Upon Clicking, should take user to Requisition Screen Search Already Entered Work Order - Upon Clicking, should take user to Search Work Order Screen Logout – Upon clicking, should logout user and exit to “Logon” Screen Name – Displayed upon successful logon from database Time – Time-stamp of the Network (all CSR PC’s are synchronised with server) Date – Date-stamp of the Network (all CSR PC’s are synchronised with server) LOGOUT NAME ASHRAF ALI DATE DD/MM/YYYY TIME HH:MM (24HR)
STORE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM v01.00 REQUISITION NAME ASHRAF ALI DATE DD/MM/YYYY TIME HH:MM (24HR) MEX WORK ORDER NUMBER XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX EXISTING WORK ORDER BEEN MODIFIED ASSET NUMBER (DROP DOWN ARROW) XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX SEARCH (DROP DOWN ARROW) PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION RACK SHELF BIN QUANTITY ON HAND REQUESTED ITEMS REMOVE ITEM PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION QUANTITY REMOVE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Name. Date and Time populated automatically from the Logon MEX Work Order Number – User will enter (combination of Alpha Numeric), if the work order number is a duplicate, a question should prompt with the option of either modifying the existing work order or create a new requisition. When selected to Modify the existing requisition, another prompt should ask “Are you sure that you want to modify the existing requisition” Existing Work Order Been Modified – Should highlight when an existing work order is been modified otherwise when new requisition is entered it is greyed out. Asset number – Drop Down Arrow (populated from Database) Search Button – As per server, once search is complete and item is populated in the search box, should be able to click on item to send to below “Requested Items” Box Requested items – either populated from above search box or Scanned by barcode reader Remove Button – Becomes active and ready to remove items from Requested Items once item/s to be removed in Remove column has been selected by user. If user forgets to click on Remove button whilst one or more items has been selected and clicked on Save & logout, a question should prompt asking if the items select be removed or not. Yes should remove item and Save & Logout, No should retain item and Save & Logout Items Button – upon clicking, should take user to Items screen to give more search results, ability to click on items and send to requested box Cancel Button – As per server, upon clicking, does not save and takes user to Main Menu despite of the requisition is populated with items and work order number Save & Logout Button – Saves the requisition and Logs Out the User to Logon Screen Once requisition is saved, user cannot modify and can only view in MEX Work Order Screen ITEMS CANCEL SAVE & LOGOUT
STORE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM v01.00 MEX WORK ORDER SEARCH MEX WORK ORDER NUMBER XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX SEARCH NAME ASHRAF ALI DATE DD/MM/YYYY TIME HH:MM (24HR) ASSET NUMBER xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx REQUESTED ITEMS ITEM PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION QUANTITY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 All fields are populated from database upon entering the MEX Work Order Number Only MEX Work Order Number field is available to the User User cannot make any modifications in this screen, view only BACK TO MAIN MENU