Inspector(s): Devin Simmons and Ben White ODOT R1 Biologists KN17983 I-5 Hood Ave Seismic I-5 Tualatin River Site Inspection 9/23/2015 Inspector(s): Devin Simmons and Ben White ODOT R1 Biologists
New WQ Facility The KN17983 FAHP ESA project notification included voluntary treatment of 0.35 acres of impervious surface. Committed 0.35 acres as mitigation for KN17701 OR99W Fischer Rd. The 9/24/site inspection suggests that the facility was not constructed to design or intent
Clockwise lower left to upper right: #1. Discharge location. #2 Clockwise lower left to upper right: #1. Discharge location. #2. Looking south through facility. Note that the facility appears to be incorrectly graded creating an increased grade through the site. #3. Note that the reverse grade compounded with the addition of a breech and drainage ditch does not appear to meet the design or intent.
Counterclockwise lower left to upper right: #1 facility breech and ditch. #2 Ditch leads to pipe with direct discharge to the Tualatin River. Note trail construction debris. Pipe passes beneath trail under construction. #3 Trail currently under construction. The river is downslope to the left.
Solution 9/29/2015. Devin Simmons (Bio), Melissa Hogan (REC), and Jose Villalpando (Construction) conducted a follow-up site visit to the SW quadrant of the I-5 Tualatin River Bridge. Jose confirmed that the site had been built to design and the feature was later breached. Jose stated that he site would be repaired. Jose on 9/30 verified that the breach was due to misguided efforts by the adjacent and unassociated local agency trail project.