App Inventor 2 @ Want to learn how to make mobile apps for your Android phone or tablet?
App Inventor2 Develop apps on website: Need a google account to log in Live testing in a connected device Install “MIT AI2 Companion” app in the device Connect both your computer and your device to the SAME WiFi Network App Inventor is a cloud-based tool
DigitalDoodle Designer: Set the Screen so that it does not scroll the screen’s scrollable box is unchecked Drawing and Animation Canvas: fill the parents
DigitalDoodle Blocks Designer: Set the Screen so that it does not scroll : uncheck the screen’s scrollable When you are using a Canvas, you have to turn off screen’s the "Scrollable" setting (UNCHECK THE BOX) so that the screen does not scroll. This will allow you to make the Canvas to fill up the whole screen.
Connect AI companion On PC, you will see a QR code On your device, MIT App Inventor2 companion screen is shown with two options Connect with code Scan QR code Fun to try: can your device be connected with my QR code? -- share?
Packaging your app App (provide QR code): You can generate a Barcode (a QR Code), which you can use to install the app on a phone or tablet that has a camera, with the aid of a barcode scanner, like the ZXing barcode scanner (freely available in Google Play). Note: this barcode works only for your own device because it is associated with your google account. If you want to share your app with others via barcode, you'll need to download the .apk file to your computer and use a third-party software to convert the file into a barcode. 2. App (save to my computer): You can download the app to your computer as an apk file, which you can distribute and share as you like by manually installing it on other devices.
HelloPurr create a button that has a picture of a cat on it, and then program the button so that when it is clicked a "meow" sound plays.
TalkToMe You will need: Textbox Button TextToSpeech Designer You will need: Textbox Button TextToSpeech AccelerometerSensor Non-visible components
BallBounce Designer Blocks Screen: uncheck scrollable Canvas: fill parents Ball: Radius, PaintColor Blocks Block editor