Health Systems Transformation Creating a Pathway for Health Systems On the Journey from Population Medicine to Population Health
Purpose of Health Systems Transformation Hub To engage a critical mass of health systems on the journey to population health. To create an oasis of support that meets health systems where they’re at and supports them to move forward in effective ways. To create an unprecedented collaboration of support systems that can help health systems and providers make this transition.
Partners creating our hub Public Health Institute Network for Regional Healthcare Improvement Institute for Healthcare Improvement Healthcare systems on the journey Stakeholder Health Thought leaders (Jim Hester, Prabhjot Singh) Prevention Institute America’s Essential Hospitals In collaboration with Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation Population Health Group Institute of Medicine Roundtable, Pop. Health American Hospital Association (ACHI) Health Begins Trust for America’s Health HealthLeads, Pathways Community Hub American Medical Association Funders (eg, RWJF) Moving Healthcare Upstream/Nemours
Timeline for your hub June – August Identify partners and design Sept 1 Design meeting 1; mapping of assets Sept 28 Design meeting 2; engage additional partners Oct-Nov Refine oasis design, identify key messages, key policy and financing shifts Nov-Dec Begin to engage health systems at scale on the journey Begin to build the oasis Begin signalling
Aims, drivers, measures you are using How will your hub create sustainable, equitable wellbeing? A critical mass of health systems effectively moving to population health Partnership between core health system support organizations Common vision and language Common “flood the zone” messaging Use existing assets and opportunities to amplify core common messages Development of a connected support pathway – the “oasis” Shared design of the oasis; leverage common assets
Activities the oasis will address Senior Leadership / Governance Social determinants of health Cross-sectoral collaboration Build capacity to capture and share bright spots Data Systems and Measurement Readiness, needs and asset assessment Community Needs Assessment/Community benefit redesign Tangible opportunities for health care system impact (eg education) Financial Innovations Role transformation for health care systems Policy Development Delivery system innovations Research and technical assistance Workforce Development
Common “flood the zone” messaging Use our collective reach of conferences, webinars, social media to make sure that critical messages are reaching the field at a good dose Share bright spots and stories Use our engagement reach and relationships to bring health systems on the journey
How can others get involved? Email us to let us know of your interest Put your assets in Message together with us on common messages Help us engage health care systems on the journey Help us design and build parts of the oasis Submit bright spots
For more information contact: Kevin Barnett Soma Stout KellyAnne Johnson