LOSSES IN DC MACHINE PREPARED BY Mukesh pal 130510109046 Himanshu panchal 130510109047 Kushal panchal 130510109048 Parth Parikh 130510109049 Tejash parikh 130510109050 Mayur parmar 130510109051
Losses in dc machine
Copper losses:- This losses occur in those part of de machines which carry electric current. Copper losses occur due to the current flowing in various windings of the machine. Armature copper loss Shunt field copper loss Series field copper loss
Iron losses These losses occur in the armature of a dd machin and are due to the rotation of armature in the magnetic field of poles. There are two types Hysteresis losses Eddy current losses
Hysteresis loss This is losses is due to the reversal of magnetism of the armature core. This losses is occur in armature for and teeth of the dc machine Hysteresis losses can be reduce by using core material of silicon steel which has low hysteresis coefficient.
Eddy current losses When the armature core rotates in magnetic field of poles, it also cuts the magnetic flux. Hence an emf is induced in the body of the core according to the laws of electromagnetic induction. This emf sets up current in the body of the armature core and is known as eddy current loss. The power due to the flow of this current is known as eddy current loss is given by
Mechanical losses Due to the friction of bearings, air friction or wind age losses occur in dc machines. these are known as mechanical losses. Friction loss e.g., bearing friction, brush friction etc. Wind age loss e.g., air friction of rotating armature. .
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