HIST 2117: Modern Germany Spring 2014 Lecture Eight: The Kulturkampf and Social Integration
Grunderzeit Pseudo-Democratization and Aristocratic Attitudes Urbanization and New Elites Military as “School of Nation” Big Business Second Industrial Revolution Cartelization
Cultural and Religious Division in Germany Bismarck’s Vision of Unity under Prussia Rudolf Virchow and Protestant Attitudes Towards Catholicism The Perceived Threat of Ultramontanism Papacy of Piux IX Windthorst and the Rise of the Center Party
Steps to Suppression of Catholic Culture Pulpit Paragraph 1871 Adalbert Falk -- May Laws 1873 Papal Encyclical of 1875 Center Party and Catholic Faith
Second Thoughts on Catholic Repression Liberal Backlash Catholic Labor Movement Negotiations with Windthorst Death of Pius IX
Reichsfeinde/Reichsfreunde Kulturkampf as Expression of Bismarck’s Divide and Conquer Strategy Other Scapegoats Adolf Stoecker – Christian Social Party Agricultural Cooperative Movement