Cyberinfrastructure from scratch presented at University of Wyoming Laramie WY 19 May 2016 Dr. Craig A. Stewart Orcid ID: 0000-0003-2423-9019 Executive Director, Indiana University Pervasive Technology Institute; Associate Dean, Research Technologies; Adjunct Professor, School of Informatics and Computing
Please cite as Stewart, C.A. (2016). Cyberinfrastructure from scratch. Presented at University of Wyoming Laramie WY 19 May 2016. Retrieved from ###___ License terms for Stewart’s slides: cc by 3.0. License terms for slides from other sources have license information indicated
1) A bit about me Associate Dean for Research Technologies, Executive Director of Pervasive Technology Institute, IU Evolutionary biologist / physiologist by training Professional staff member in the computing center at IU since 1985 Responsible for HPC@IU since 1996, all research CI @ IU since 2005 I really love working in an academic environment
3) Top Five Six significant events in CI at IU 1955. Marshall Wrubel appointed as director of IU Research Computing Center 1997. Arrival of Michael A. McRobbie as first VP for Information Technology and University IU goal: To be a leader, “in absolute terms for uses and applications of IT” (Myles Brand, 16th President of IU) 1997. First display at SCxy conference “Why does IU have a display at this conference?” 2001. First MRI award post-MAM arrival – AVIDD 2003. Funded involvement in TeraGrid 2008. PolarGrid
2) Top Five Six Seven things needed to launch a successful CI / research computing effort Important problems from leading faculty members Local expert consultant (s) Some local hardware that people can visit in person Willingness to use nationally funded CI (and my advice is start with OSG and Jetstream) Deep commitment to university mission Administrative support at highest possible level Someone irrationally devoted to learning how to write competitive grant proposals Get people on as many review panels as you can manage: Good kharma, Good learning experiences
Harrowing and rewarding moments Funding continuity (”I never worry about funding continuity because I worry about funding continuity constantly” – Andrew Lumsdaine) People on the bus Cynics Those who think base funding gives them protection Hacks where PHI is involved NSF relationships Rewarding Playing a supporting role in scientific discovery, scholarship, and artistic creation Looking back and seeing the impact of change over time Provide "self-serve" academic cloud services, enabling researchers or students to select a VM image from a published library, or alternatively to create or customize their own virtual environments Host persistent Science Gateways. Galaxy will be one of the initial science gateways supported. Data movement, storage and dissemination. Jetstream will support data transfer with Globus Connect. Users can store VMs in the IUScholarWorks and obtain a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) that is associated with the VM stored. Provide virtual Linux desktop services delivered from Jetstream to tablet devices. This service is aimed to increase access to Jetstream for users at institutions with limited resources.
We Live the Myth of Sisyphus "The struggle enough to fill a [person’s] heart. One must imagine Sisyphus happy.” –Albert Camus
Thanks to the partner institutions who are making Jetstream possible!
Acknowledgments Jetstream is supported by: NSF award 1445604 Indiana University Pervasive Technology Institute Thanks to everyone in the IU Pervasive Technology Institute For more information about the Indiana University Pervasive Technology Institute in general see For more information on Jetstream see