High Radiation to Materials 16th Project Team Meeting – May 20, 2010 News Accelerator schedule Report from LMC, MSWG meeting Budget situation Press articles I. Efthymiopoulos – EN/MEF Project Team Meeting CERN, July 8, 2010 EDMS No:
HiRadMat project Very challenging !!! Very challenging !!! Master schedule Very challenging !!! Very challenging !!! I. Efthymiopoulos 16PT, July 8,2010
HiRadMat project Mike Lamont’s talk @ IEFC June 25th 2011 LHC schedule Mike Lamont’s talk @ IEFC June 25th Possible access to BA7 until week 7(8)? Remain with present schedule until week-6 (end of January) Consider any additional week as contingency I. Efthymiopoulos 16PT, July 8,2010
Presentation to MSWG Christoph : Primary Beam Ilias : operations More info: https://espace.cern.ch/be-dep/MSWG/default.aspx I. Efthymiopoulos 16PT, July 8,2010
Preparation & Assembly area HiRadMat Project Irradiation cycles for tests Life cycle of a test setup: Prepare 1(2) test setups, each on is platform in the lab or assembly area Move them to the irradiation area – do the irradiations ; swap between the two remotely (either base platform movement or move the equipment/jaws) Move them to the cool-down area Recuperate them later for inspection/analysis in the lab A Preparation & Assembly area B C Irradiation area (2 stands) Cool-down area I. Efthymiopoulos 16PT, July 8,2010
HiRadMat – Operations Beam conditions HiRadMat uses the existing SPS extraction to TI2/LHC i.e. can receive all beams (already) available and prepared for LHC from pilot to full intensity Beam parameters to vary for the experiments: Bunch intensity: [5×109(pilot) ÷ 1.1(1.7) ×1011] ppb Number of bunches : [1 (pilot) ÷ 288 (bunch trains)] Timing between bunches or bunch trains: [SPS filling modes possibilities] Beam focusing at the experiment : [0.25 ÷ 4.0 ] mm2 HiRadMat beam control will use the existing tools of SPS and TI2 line Minor modifications to add the new TT66 line equipment Each beam pulse will be on request : single (next sc) or multiple (next N sc) Beam interlock: During extraction to TI2/LHC access to BA7 will be prohibited (as today) During extraction to TI2/HRM access to BA7 will be prohibited new beam dump in TI2 to allow access to LHC while HRM receives beam during tests/beam setup the beam is dumped in the HRM dump (ex. T9 target) – experiments retracted I. Efthymiopoulos 16PT, July 8,2010
HRM – Operations Beam time Preparation – setting up: Data - taking: Use an HRM-short cycle equivalent to the present LHC cycle (440 GeV instead of 450 GeV) Can be added in the SPS super cycle, runs in // to FT and CNGS Extract few low intensity pulses to verify beam optics and test setup alignment Data - taking: Low-med intensity: beam pulses up to 72 bunches can be done using the HRM-short cycle High-intensity : beam pulses >72 bunches require a dedicated HRM-long cycle (~20 sec) would be a similar configuration as LHC filling could run in // to FT or CNGS (such to maintain a total super-cycle length <50 sec) Up to 100 high-intensity pulses per experiment – 10 experiments/year Typical user: 10 pulses × 10 times within 4 hours 40 hours/year of high-intensity running The dedicated running of SPS for HiRadMat will be included in the yearly schedule Deadline for beam requests by September 1st , YYYY for the operation of the SPS year YYYY+1 Prepare and install the experiments during the winter shutdown Swap experiments (remotely) during LHC machine stops Document for the management in preparation…. (September RB?) Details for the operations and contact/handling of the users still to clarify… I. Efthymiopoulos 16PT, July 8,2010
HiRadMat Operations Feedback from discussions: Machine Studies Working Group – MSWG Feedback from discussions: User selection and beam pulse list must be discussed with experts The time required to setup the machines (PS & SPS) to the different configurations must be included in the yearly schedule NOT in the MD budget The operation mode for HiRadMat should be described in a document to be circulated and apporved Should be submitted to the RB in September to allow including HiRadMat in the 2011 schedule User Selection Panel to create next PT meeting I. Efthymiopoulos 16PT, July 8,2010
HiRadMat Project HiRadMat in the news!!!! EUCARD Newsletter Press articles HiRadMat in the news!!!! EUCARD Newsletter http://eucard.web.cern.ch/EuCARD/news/newsletters/iss ue05/article1.html In preparation: news article for CERN courier September issue I. Efthymiopoulos 16PT, July 8,2010