Basic Properties of the Atmosphere
Functions of the Atmosphere Protection from UV radiation Allowing light energy to reach the surface and ocean Regulation of daily temperatures, night & day Maintains average surface temperature of +15oC instead of -18oC Transport of energy from the equator to the poles Transport water vapor which leads to the dynamic processes of the water cycle. Storage of huge amounts of nitrogen Reservoir for carbon dioxide and oxygen Dissipation of natural and man-made emissions Protection from meteorites
Composition Original atmosphere was high in CO2. High level radiation and photosynthesis changed atmosphere. (H2O) First 20 km of atmosphere today is a mixture of gases (air) Amt. of water vapor (<4%). Sulfur and nitrogen compounds Solid & liquid particles: dust, pollen, salt, soot, aerosols. Draw pie chart into your notes
Pressure The force exerted by air on an area (weight of air). Fewer the molecules the lower the pressure Expressed in millibars (mb) or inches of mercury (Hg) Measured w/ a barometer.
Temperature Measure of the avg. kinetic energy or speed of molecules in a substance. (air) Measured w/ a thermometer. Defines the layers of the atmosphere. Dew Point temp. measure to which air must cool for condensation to occur.
Structure of the Atmosphere Troposphere Contains all the weather. Warmed by surface by conduction and radiation. Temp. decrease with elevation (-60oC) Jet stream 80% of atmospheric mass Tropopause / Isothermal layer Elevation changes with latitude & season Max. at equator, min. poles.
Stratosphere Stratosphere Clear, dry layer, (limited water vapor) Temp. inc. w/ altitude (-60 to 0o C) Inc. ozone with altitude Protects surface & life from UV radiation Ozone absorbs radiation and then releases some as heat.
Mesosphere & Thermosphere Dec. temp. (-100oC) Meteors begin to burn Therm: Inc. temp. (+1000oC) Layering of atmospheric gases. nitrogen (green), oxygen (red), helium (yellow), hydrogen. Auroras Ionosphere: Ionized gases Affected by solar activity Radio communications