Natural light vs. artificial light Victoria Exclusa Brianna Mami Taryn Sovine Veronica Espinoza
Question; What type of light affects the growth of buckwheat seedlings the most, natural or artificial?
Hypothesis; Our hypothesis is; if we are correct ,then the natural light might affect the plants more than artificial light mainly because natural light is pure and can produce stronger UV rays than the artificial light will produce.
Research; Buckwheat is a very fast growing plant, its flexibility and adaption lets it grow on more the millions. The seeds normally emerge rapidly when planted in warm soil and in three to four days it germinated, but we used Petri dishes instead of soil. Buckwheat is primary a human food crop, used in cereal grains such as wheat and oats.
Materials; Seeds Petri Dishes Paper Towels Water Droppers Dark Room Window sill Tape Measure Lamp
Variables; Independent- type of light Dependent- rate of germination Constants- water, time under lamp, temperature, seeds Control- natural light
Procedure; 1) Fold a paper towel so that it forms 2 layers 2) Cut pieces of the paper towel to fit to proportion of the Petri dishes paces 3) Once the paper towels are in the sections, place two seeds in each one 4) Soak the seeds and paper towels with eight drops of water 5) Cover the both of the Petri dishes with the plastic lids that come with the Petri dishes 6) Label the seeds 1-12 on the sides of the Petri dishes (we discovered using tape is easier) 7) Place the Petri dish with the seeds 1-6 on a window sill 8) Place the Petri dish with the seeds 7-12 in a dark enclosed space with only a lamp 9) turn the lamp on at approximately 2:45 pm and turn the lamp off at 7:00 am 10)Observe and record data every two days 11) Water every other day
Artificial light
Artificial light
Artificial light
Artificial light
Artificial light
Artificial light
Natural light
Natural light
Natural light
Natural light
Natural light
Natural light
Conclusion; Our conclusion supports our hypothesis because the germination rate of the buckwheat seedlings in natural light was greater than those in artificial light. It was greater than the artificial light because sunlight has more minerals
Day 9 As you can see the plant In the natural light is growing rapidly and it is very healthy.
These are the seed coats from the natural light seedlings.