Christmas in Greece Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
CHRISTMAS PREPARATIONS Store windows are decorated almost a month in advance, and in the cities the streets and town squares are lit with colourful lights. As Christmas drew near, preparations began so all would be ready for the big holiday. Houses would be cleaned with extra care, and a few days before Christmas housewives would prepare the Christmas cookies, which would be eaten on Christmas Day.
The Christmas Tree Today almost everyone buys and decorates a Christmas tree in Greece, whether it be real or artificial. Usually they are decorated a few days before Christmas and remain in the homes until Epiphany In older times, this custom did not exist and in some parts of Greece they would decorate little boats instead.
A Christmas tree and a Christmas boat displayed in a central square of Thessaloniki
Also, many people now travel either abroad or around Greece to places which offer winter holidays. Greeks will party at clubs, at bouzoukia, or stay at home On Christmas Day, all family members gather at the festively set dinner table.
Greek Christmas Carols The singing of Christmas carols is a custom which is preserved in its entirety to this day. Children still go from house to house in twos or more singing the carols, while accompanied by the sounds of the triangle.
The Holiday Table Christopsomo-the Bread of Christmas Turkey has become a popular centerpiece on the Christmas or New Year's table.
The Holiday Table Pork, the traditional meat of the season.
Kourabiethes Are sugared shortbread cookies that melt in the mouth! Often made with toasted almonds, they can also be made with other nuts (walnuts, hazelnuts). They can be made in circular shapes, crescents, made by hand, or rolled out and cut, but the one thing all versions have in common is that they are rolled in, dusted with, or buried under a flurry of confectioner's sugar.
Melomakarona: honey Christmas cookies
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year