Rangifer Body Condition and Health Monitoring HOW? WHY? Rangifer Body Condition and Health Monitoring WHAT NEXT?
Not re-inventing the wheel HOW? CARMA Standardized Protocols Benefits Issues Long term Comparable Season Herds Time Ambiguity Techniques Science based Data recording Not re-inventing the wheel Derived data formulas
HOW? People Monitoring Barriers Scientist-based Hunter-based Project-specific needs Time and Complexity Personal risk Feedback/appreciation/recognition Rationale?
Why Monitor? Predict! Trends Personal risk Snapshot in time (IPY) Consequences Why Monitor? Management tools Early Detection Predict!
How are the data being used? What next? Why monitor post-IPY? How are the data being used? Who? How? Herds People What? Frequency Age/sex Variables and Indicators Sample size Season ‘Gold’ standards?